
The Homebrew Forum

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  1. Northern_Brewer

    Introduction to hop chemistry

    I've just come across this open-access paper from Weihenstephan, which is a nice introduction to the "classic" chemicals in hops. It's ten years old so thiols like 4MMP get only a passing mention, but it's a great place to start for those who don't know their sesquiterpenes from their prenyl...
  2. Neale

    Snails/slugs have eaten my hop plant leaves what do I do?

    I've never grown hops before but thought I'd give it a go. So in Early February I planted one rhizome of cascade and one centennial. They started growing after around 1 week with two shoots from the Centennial and one from the Cascade. After 8 weeks I had the these . Cascade and Centennial...
  3. Alan_Reginato

    Huge difference ference between Saaz crop year

    I bought these hop package recently The 1st (left to right) is 2021, AA 4,3%. The 2nd, 2022, AA 2,6%. And 3rd, the same, but from a different brand. And, WTF!?! I could tell them apart. Visual, 1st was dark green, 2nd light green and 3rd looks drier, brownish comparing to the others. About...
  4. BottlesCansCraft

    NEIPA - more bitter than expected, what did I do wrong?

    Hi, I brewed a NEIPA about a month or so ago, and every pour I've had from this batch has been so much more bitter than expected. I've brewed NEIPAs before without too much of an issue, but changed up my hop additions/timings in this brew. Is there anything I have done that would make this so...
  5. J

    Dry Hop vs. No Dry Hop (& carbonation issues)

    In the next few weeks I'm going to be brewing a pale ale as an experiment to test out the potency of hops ONLY in the boil / whirlpool vs. in the boil / WP AND as a dry hop. It will be a basic smash beer with an English ale yeast, probably. Your help is needed to get me fair test results! And...
  6. S

    Merseyside Dockers IPA - Hops

    Hi all, I’m new to home brewing, just making my first brew using the Merseyside dockers ipa kit. There’s something that’s confusing me though and I would appreciate any advice. The instructions say to ‘add the foil bag of hops as below; Group A on day 5 Group B on day 8 Group C on day 10...
  7. B

    How Much Grain?!?!

    Hey fellow Beeros 2022 is the year I come up with my own perfect recipe! Hoping to have a brew perfected for my wedding in July (we will see) Have been brewing for a year, mainly BIAB all grain, with limited equipment, but some pretty decent results. Now I'm moving into my own recipes rather...
  8. Dorst

    My fresh hop (Centennial) brews

    It has been a while since my last post but I wanted to post some experiences with brewing with homegrown fresh hops. I planted two Centennial hops in front of my home three years ago. Even though this year was very windy and rainy in The Netherlands the hops were quite sheltered. It ended up...
  9. Northern_Brewer

    New hops

    Good article on the current state of hop breeding and what new varieties are in the pipeline : http://onlinedigitalpublishing.com/publication/frame.php?i=681730&p=&pn=&ver=html5&view=articleBrowser&article_id=3812717
  10. R

    Question about hop weights

    Hi, I'm thinking of buying a custom made extract kit from my local homebrew shop, to brew a recipe I found online. One of the instructions for ordering the kit confused me and I'm hoping someone could clarify. It reads: "Please work out the hop weights required based on the alpha acids listed...
  11. Get_Er_Brewed

    Lupomax now available at Geterbrewed

    Lupomax As we see the demand for hop forward beers continuing to grow we are pleased to present a Lupulin enriched hop pellet called Lupomax. Geterbrewed are proud to be launching Lupomax with the first two varieties available being the highly sought after Mosaic & Citra. So what is Lupomax...
  12. Get_Er_Brewed

    New Aussie Flavour Hop ⁠ - Eclipse Hops

    This is exciting for us to receive this hop as we visited the farm in Australia with Simply Hops during harvest 2019 and got to talk to the breeder and immerse ourselves in sensory experience of hop selecting in the hop breeding garden⁠. We are proud to offer the full Hop Products Australia...
  13. Pablosaurus


    Wotcha. I just made a festival suffolk dark kit and, having read here and elsewhere that the supplied batch of fuggles hops over does the bitterness, I opted to add half the supplied amount closer to barreling than instructed by the kit. After 5 weeks in the PB the result is, you guessed it, not...
  14. R

    Time to harvest hops

    Hi, I'm in my first year of growing hops and I was wondering if anyone else, particularly in the Cambridge area, has started harvesting yet. I know it's just about time, and my Fuggles look/feel ready. The Goldings look like they need a little more time. Cheers, Rob
  15. Bootcutboy

    A little advice on using hops with lager/cider kits please

    Hi all, I have just bought some citra hops and have been recommended a couple of other types of hops by beer brewers. I am wanting to try a couple of basic/cheap 23L lager and cider kits With the addition Of these hops but I don’t really know where to start. I need to know at what stage do I...
  16. BeerBrain83

    Black IPA recipe thoughts

    Hi everyone, I'd be grateful on your thoughts on this: Golden Promise: 71% Munich: 12% Carafa Special III: 9% Caramunich III: 8% Hops I'm currently thinking: Tettnang as bittering hop with a bit of Bramley Cross for about 30 mins and then Bramley Cross dry hopping. I'd quite like to get some...
  17. KegThat

    What hops should I sell?

    I know it’s a small selection but more are on the way! 🍺I’ve added descriptions and pictures of some hops on the website, sorry for posting so much I will leave you guys alone for a bit now ✌ KegThat.com and look at the hops page 🍺🍺 Vacuum packed by myself and in 100g in leaf form please let...
  18. KegThat

    Homebrew Supplies - Yeast, Hops and Grain!

    Hi Everyone! I am Ben from www.KegThat.com and I would like to share my new homebrew supply store with you. We currently offer fully custom made to order wort chillers, Cornelius Kegs and taps. We offer a very competitive price on the Home brew sanitiser ChemSan. As of Monday, we will have...
  19. BottlesCansCraft

    Storing unopened/opened hops

    Hi, I can't seem to find advice on this anywhere so I put a have a couple of queries for the group: 1. When storing hops, would you put unopened hops in the freezer? 2. If you open vac packed hops, will they deteriorate if still kept in a freezer? 3. I recently purchased some hops off ebay and...
  20. BeerBrain83

    Dry hops for black IPA

    Hi everyone, I've just finished my first all grain brew, which is a black ipa, and its in the fermenter. I was wondering after how long you add the dry hops and any recommendations for what to add?