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  1. Adrian Lock

    Demijohn unable to clean.

    Good afternoon, i have a number of Demijohn that belong to my late father. Which he used for wine making I am going to be using those at my wedding however I have one that I cannot remove the stains from it looks like a water stain see picture but no matter what I try it does not seem to shift...
  2. J

    Cleaning wort boiler for selling

    I have a Pico EB1 wort boiler, which is white plastic, I'm looking to sell in order to upgrade. I've barely used it but it has stained yellowish all the same and won't look great on an ad even if this doesn't affect performance. What can I do to restore it to its former brilliant white glory?
  3. Juice Terry

    Secondary Regulator Cleaning

    Hey folks, I'm just about to plumb in new hoses into my kegerator and I've bought a couple of secondary regulators to control pressure. I just wanted to check whether these are good for submerging in sanitiser or is there a better way of sanitising them? Thanks in advance!
  4. ronytrombon

    cleaning beer bottles with an ultrasonic cleaner

    I've noticed after many uses some of my glass beer bottles are looking a little grubby on the inside. I was wondering if anyone had considered using an ultrasonic cleaner - Vevor cleaner or is the cost here just too much ? Any thoughts, experiences ?
  5. BeerJ

    Mash kettle cleaning

    Hi guys, I recently finished a brew and decided to clean out my mash kettle with oxi clean overnight (seen on you tube) and I completely forgot about it for 2 days. When washing out I have a white staining / chalky residue that seems to be pretty well stuck to the kettle. Is this normal / how...
  6. BeerJ

    Storing Sanitiser

    Hi Guys, New to brewing and have recently done my first AG brew. Whilst doing this I made some sanitiser up (Brewsafe) powder mix and put it into a spray bottle. My question is, does / will it loose effectiveness over time? I would like to keep it in there rather than waste it every time. I...
  7. R

    Cleaning and sanitisation advice

    Hi, I'm looking for some advice regarding cutting down on the cost of sanitising fv's and corny kegs. I brew 45L batches and ferment in SS Brewtech conicals I also have one of there bright tanks that I use for final clearing and carbonation prior to transferring to corny kegs. Current regime...
  8. LED_ZEP

    Over 1000l of steriliser for 35p

    Just thought I'd mention this as it's always worked for me. Tesco thin bleach at 35p for 2l. I mix 40ml to 23l of water in a FV (PH should be 7.5 - 8 if you have the means to test), sink my bottles and syphon tube etc. in it and leave for 30 mins. No rinse needed if you let the equipment...