
The Homebrew Forum

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  1. FilledAle

    Does elderflower champagne always have to be bottled so early?!

    Does elderflower champagne always have to be bottled so early? All the recipes I've found say to bottle it around day 6 or 7 and then go one to list all the things you have to do to stop the bottles exploding! Why can't I just let the fermentation almost finish and then prime it when I bottle...
  2. B

    Elderflower nightmare!

    Hi, can anyone please advise on salvaging this elderflower champagne? It had 14 days in the fermenter. It only just started to fizz so I transferred to demi and nothing. It's dead! Is it because I managed to get some bits in?? I added sugar syrup to try and kick-start the fermentation process...
  3. Dearnley

    Elderflower 'Champagne'

    This year's Champagne is pretty good - lovely colour, crystal clear, nice taste etc. But it doesn't have bubbles! I cleared using wine finings, could this have caused the problem? Is there anything I could do to rectify this problem in the remaining bottles?
  4. L

    Elderflower Champagne: Time to bottle or dangerously explosive?

    Hi! I’m pretty new to homebrewing but have a 2 gallon batch of elderflower champagne on the go. I’m at the point where I’m thinking of bottling but I’m not sure whether it’s safe or even too flat. My OG was 1090 and I left in the primary for about 5 days before transferring to two demijohns...