
The Homebrew Forum

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  1. M

    Dipping the toes

    Hi All, Completely new to this hobbie. Found this website today whilst I was planning on spending £300 - 400 on a beginners setup - BIAB. Stumbbled on a post from a member (clibit) stating; to just try a small brew in the kitchen and ferment. I decidied to go this route, although, I do know...
  2. J

    Any good starter kits for beginners in the UK?

    Hi, I was wondering if there are amy good starter kits or books on homebrewing on uk amazon?
  3. Ashley.h

    Beginning Mead Journey

    Hi all, After brewing a batch of stout a few years back and not really enjoying it I have decided to try to make small batches, 1 gallon demijohn, of mead. I have tried to use the search option on the forum and scroll through the thread pages but have had no luck in finding a basic guide. I...
  4. E

    Fermentation Stalled?

    I've recently started home brewing and I'm on my 3rd kit. It is a Pennine Peak Yorkshire Bitter from Bulldog Brews. I'm brewing in a standard 23 litre plastic bucket with a tap on the side and an air trap in the top. I've stuck a strip thermometer on the side and added an emersion heater (looks...
  5. U

    Home-Brew Beginner: How Does One Go About Starting Out?

    Hello all, This is my first post, so I apologise if this is in wrong area or my questions seem naive or noobish in nature. I would like to start brewing vodka as a personal hobby. If it is something I enjoy, maybe even taking it commercial. As this is something I have practically no experience...
  6. C

    Simple AG IPA recipe for a newbie - 10 Litres

    Hello all - very new here and looking for some advice. I want to do my first all grain brew. Out of preference I would like to make it as close to an IPA as possible and not too weak. There are some awesome looking recipes out there but as it is my first AG I wanted to keep it simple and if...
  7. cushyno

    All Grain Process options - Beginners Guide

    With a healthy influx of new and returning brewers, there have been a few questions circulating about process. I put together this single page process flow that shows options for: Single pot BIAB (stockpot) Stockpot and cooler mash tun Electric BIAB with variations 2 vessel (utilises FV to...
  8. Bristol43

    New to home cider making

    Hi All, I’ve just joined the forum as I’m looking to start making my own cider. I think I understand the basic process, and will try some small batches as practice to start off with. I’ll probably use shop bought pure 100% Apple juice first, but eventually want to press my own apples with a...
  9. L

    Startin simple and want some advice

    I like to do many things from scratch. I grow my own vegetables. I can food. I make my own jerkey. I sew. I try to fix things I have. If I had unlimited funds/space, I'd have kilns, I'd melt metal, create plastics, etc. I'd love to build my own home. But I have limited skills in many...
  10. D

    Beginner Kit

    Hi all New to this. Intending on brewing lager. Looking for some advice on the best beginner kits around. Do they all tend to include all of the equipment required? Ideally I would like to buy my own recipe to begin with. Would you advise against this? Would it work out just as cheap to...
  11. J

    Never brewed before but want to start brewing my own Strong Lager

    There's 2 main reasons I wanted to start brewing my own Strong lager (8-10% ABV) 1. I really enjoy the taste of the likes of Special Brew and Super Tennant but it is LUDICROUSLY expensive and I am but a mere pauper 2. I have wanted to try and brew my own beers/lagers since doing my Cask Ale...
  12. surferosa

    Mash pan too small?

    Hi, I'm pretty new to brewing. I've made one extract brew so far, it's bottled, but not ready for drinking yet... I'm considering making another brew, using the boil in a bag method in the meanwhile. I've found a kit on malt miller that comes with all the grains etc. which i though would be...
  13. C

    Starter Equipment

    After thinking about it for a couple of months I finally have some spare cash to buy some equipment to start brewing with! I'm looking to jump straight into all-grain brewing and am looking for some advice. I planning on getting the Brooklyn Brew Shop BrewDog Elvis Juice kit...
  14. WillytheWomble

    Disaster at first attempt!

    Having bought my Ballihoo kit I'm attempting to brew my first beer (Wherry) but have come unstuck when siphoning the beer into my pressurized barrel for bottling. When trying to readjust myself the siphon tube slipped out the beer and the yeast sediment has risen from the the bottom to the top...
  15. Joe DS

    Beer brew stuck as 1.15 after four weeks - am I ok to bottle?

    Hi all, First time brewing - using the Tiny Rebel Cwtch kit by Muntons. It's a red ale abv 4.6% My OG was 1.5 recorded at 18.5degC. Unfortunately brewing conditions weren't great and a cold spell meant the beer was brewing in room temp ~17degC. For about a week and a half the beer has been...
  16. M

    Flat Beer

    Hello folks, New to this and I've made a rookie mistake, for secinseco fermentation I moved my bottles to a cool garage and the result is two weeks later my lager is flat as flat can be. Will moving my bottles back to a warm space kick start the secindsec fermentation and give me nice fizzy...
  17. M

    Beginninger to brewing

    Hi, I would love to start brewing my own beer, and am wondering about the start up costs to begin this. I would only begin with simple stuff, and just looking for basic equipment. How much would I be looking to spend, should I get a lot to start, if so which is best/cheapest? I am also a...