1. I went to a brew shop today (shall remain anonymous at this stage) and in a moment of madness i saw Tooheys special larger (i loved and lived on Tooheys new when i lived in oz in my youth) and bought that to brew next. Interestingly the guy in the shop recommended i guy coopers light malt as the sugar addition for the brew. My questions are 1) is the tooheys brew kits any good? And should i be doing a different brew kit to achieve what i am looking for. 2) secondly, should i be using coopers malt? or should i be just using straight brewing sugar?
2. I want to brew a good middle of the road tasty lager type craft beer. Ideally as close to the Hogs back brewery "hog star" larger as possible. Is there a kit that anyone would recommend?
3. The guy in the brew shop i visited today (shall remain anonymous at this stage) berated me for following the instructions on my festival golden stag ale. He said i was stupid for waiting for the 5 days for initial fermentation, and then adding the dry hops and waiting another 5 days and checking the SG was below 1.009 before bottling. He said i should have thrown it all in (including the hops) from the outset and bottled it after it got below 1.015 and not allowed it to get above 20 degrees as now it most likely be ruined. Who is right here???
2. I want to brew a good middle of the road tasty lager type craft beer. Ideally as close to the Hogs back brewery "hog star" larger as possible. Is there a kit that anyone would recommend?
3. The guy in the brew shop i visited today (shall remain anonymous at this stage) berated me for following the instructions on my festival golden stag ale. He said i was stupid for waiting for the 5 days for initial fermentation, and then adding the dry hops and waiting another 5 days and checking the SG was below 1.009 before bottling. He said i should have thrown it all in (including the hops) from the outset and bottled it after it got below 1.015 and not allowed it to get above 20 degrees as now it most likely be ruined. Who is right here???