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  1. P

    Low OG reading

    Thanks for the advice. Really helpful tip for the hydrometer - will look into that. I stirred all the ingredients in for about 10 minutes, so am sure that everything was dissolved.
  2. P

    Low OG reading

    yep - kit in first, followed by hot water, then the brewing sugars, and finally the cold water (after stirring it all together)
  3. P

    Low OG reading

    Just done the Coopers Real Ale kit. Added 1kg Brew Enhancer 2, 500g medium spray malt, mixed in ~4litres of hot water. Topped up to 22.5litres and pitched yeast @24degC. Surprised that the OG reading was as low as 1.027? Adopted basically same methodology as previous kits, which come in at...
  4. P

    Coopers Original Stout Review

    GavH - if looks are anything to go by, your brew looks fantastic! Hope mine turns out as well.....
  5. P

    Coopers Original Stout Review

    Put this on 6 days ago, adding 1kg Dark Spray Malt plus 450g of black treacle. Topped up to 22litres and added yeast at about 23degC. Surprised that the OG was a whopping 1071! on day the SG had come down to 1012, giving a potential ABV of nearly 8%!! Seems awfully strong for only adding 1.5kg...
  6. P

    Coopers, English Bitter

    I brewed this beginning of December using 1kg med spray malt extract, plus 200g brew enhancer. Kept in the FV for 10 days, then like you bottled with 1.5 carbonation drops. OG was 1041, FG 1008. Left it in the bottles for 4 weeks. It is a bit gassy, and not 100% clear, but turned out better...
  7. P

    How much Treacle in Stout Kits

    Thanks for the clear advice. Hopefully when I have a bit more brewing experience I can pass on tips as well. Oh, and apologies for the typos in original post! Going to go for the Stout next weekend, when i have bottled the Woodforde Nog currently in the FV.
  8. P

    How much Treacle in Stout Kits

    Well, i have successfully brewed 2 batches of hime brew now. Thanks for the advice on previous threads. Have bought the coopers stout kit, plus 1kg bag of dark malt extract. Was planning to add black treacle as well, then bottle, primed with 1 carb drop per 500 ml. Question: 1 tin(400g) of...
  9. P

    Adivce for a Novice

    My first post on this site. Am 2 weeks into brewing my first Coopers beer - the Lager which came with the kit. All seems really straightforward. Just need the patience to leave it in the bottles for another 4 weeks before trying. Have also bought a Coopers English Bitter kit, but need a little...