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  1. L


    Sounds like a trip to the pub might be in order. O well needs must
  2. L


    So BOC won't supply me with co2 as apparently they don't set up contracts with home brewers? So my question is if your in the Dundee/north Five area where do you get your gas from?
  3. L

    Brewery bulid

    Thanks for that File! I will have a look at this for brewery mark 2 (which I already have plans for lol) but I just want to get brewing for now and that the reason for thePID.
  4. L

    Brewery bulid

    Ok so I have done a bit more building today. First off I have decided to go with an off the shelve PID to control the mash temp. The main reason for this is I want it to be acruate to within a degree and I have been struggling with code to active this. It is something I will continue to work on...
  5. L

    Brewery bulid

    Many thanks Fil I will have a look at that when i'm not full of beer :cheers: :D
  6. L

    Brewery bulid

    I was going to use the LM35DZ. Do you have link to there site? Thanks :D
  7. L

    Brewery bulid

    Well PID would be easier for sure. the arduino approach has coursed me some head aches! The code for the HLT is as follows. I can give you the schematic right now as I don't have one but watch this space #include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); int floatswitch=10...
  8. L

    Brewery bulid

    yes but what do you mean by design? the code or the schematic of the circuit?
  9. L

    Brewery bulid

    the kettle is the heat exchange for my HERMS system. Instead of having a copper coil inside the HLT it in the kettle. the main reason for this is because it was cheap :thumb: Arduino is a electronics prototyping platform which allows you to program micro controllers relatively easily
  10. L

    Brewery bulid

    Hopefully thats the images working now? I copied the links direct from photo bucket but they didn't seem to work correctly. anyway sorted now. :thumb:
  11. L

    Brewery bulid

    Well first off hello. I have viewed post on here for some time but this is my first post. I have been brewing on and off for the last 4 years but not done much for the last 6 months due to moving house etc. Recently I went on a trip to Skye where I spent most of the day drinking good ale and...