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  1. D

    Ribena problem

    I did for about 20mins
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    Ribena problem

    Hi I've mixed up 5 gallons of Ribena added 5 bags of sugar. Honey fresh lemon juice cup of tea been a week now no fermentation. Any ideas what I've done wrong I also took some out. Watered it down a bit put in demijohn. With new yeast into hot press and its not doing anything either
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    Great to know that. Must order new yeast lol none to be got here in my town
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    Thanks for the info if it didn't start could I add new yeast to it
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    Not sure but I'm thinking a long time Thanks for yr help
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    Hi as im new to this I decided to try making cider but being a novice I'm after putting in out of date yeast my question is can I now add good yeast or is my project doomed
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    How to for a complete novice

    Hi there. Hoping to get some good advice I've been brewing using kits and would love to make my own from scratch but I really don't have a clue how. As in ingredients any help would be great thanks