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  1. W

    First Timer!

    Morning all My first time here and first attempt at a brew. I'm from Southampton and will be mostly brewing up lager and cider I think (although that could always change :D ) Hope to chat soon :cheers:
  2. W

    my first lager attempt

    By the sounds of things, I might have to chalk this one down to a bad experience and start again! :cry: Never mind, trial and error I guess and now I've found this place, I'll start reading and learn how to brew it up properly :thumb:
  3. W

    my first lager attempt

    OK, thanks. Am I too late to add the sugar and keep it warm?
  4. W

    my first lager attempt

    I put sugar in the initial brew, but not when I put it in the pressure barrel
  5. W

    my first lager attempt

    Thanks for the welcome :-) When you say warm, how warm? I had it at room temp. Is that warm enough?
  6. W

    my first lager attempt

    Hi everyone Thanks for having me here Just about done brewing my first lot of lager. Follower the instructions and had it in a pressure barrel for the past 2 weeks. Just poured a bit out and it seems a little cloudy. Is this normal for the first few glasses? Oh, and it also tastes flat. I'm...