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  1. B

    brew at 1.020 after 2 days but no krausen or bubbles

    Thanks for replies guys yep checked lid and while I was down there just a little whistle like noise came from the grommet at the air lock so seems to be leaking there and yes there is faint scum line about 2in above the brew so fingers crossed will let you know in a weeks time how it tastes
  2. B

    brew at 1.020 after 2 days but no krausen or bubbles

    Hi folks just wondering about my 2nd brew it seems to be fermenting but no krausen or bubbles started at 1.040 and after 2 days it is at 1.020 it is a youngs harvest larger with 1 kilo of dextrose and temp is 20c
  3. B

    coopers ox bar bottles

    Thanks Mick ordered 2 boxes 48 total looks easier than capping
  4. B

    coopers ox bar bottles

    I take it I can go ahead and order them then have st peters ipa lined up for them but tempted to keg it instead any advice I heard ales condition better in kegs Thanks for your help and a happy new year
  5. B

    hello from ireland

    Hi Irish novice here wish all a happy new year and looking forward to a few good brews in 13 and plenty of friendly chat
  6. B

    Hello From Ballymena - Northern Ireland

    Hello billy from ni myself and a novice too so welcome :cheers:
  7. B

    coopers ox bar bottles

    Hi all a novice brewer here been talking about brewing my own beer now for some time and my lovely wife produced a full micro brewery on Xmas morning so got my turkey down and started to sanitize my equipment brewing a st peters iPa seams to be going to plan as far as I can tell from the info I...