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  1. S

    whens my beer ready?

    thanks every one i didnt understand hald of what was said but im going to leave it till feb then try one and see how good it tastes. :drink:
  2. S

    whens my beer ready?

    hello every one, is there an easy way to tell whne my beer is ready to drink? acording to the instructions it should be ready from next monday but should i leave it a little longer, im trying to have a dry january so im goint to try and leave it till the 1st of feb. then going to reward my self...
  3. S

    wheres the chat room gone

    thanks so im not going nuts
  4. S

    wheres the chat room gone

    hi all is it me or has the chat room disapeared? :wha:
  5. S

    Just bottling up

    i dont think i will be able to leave it two weeks i want to drink it now! im thinking of giving coopers australian IPA a go has any one tried that one?
  6. S

    Just bottling up

    well, its myt 1st attempt and i have just bottled up 20 bottle of beer it should of made 24 but a i did mangae to spill a little when i kept moveing the syphon lol now the kitchen smell nice and beery! which i think is a nice smell but the wifr does not appreciate! now just got to waot a few...
  7. S

    Just started my brew off

    Hi All, i have just started my brew off sterilised evey thing stood the tin in the hot water emptied it in to my big bucket and gave it a good stir then added my yeast do i need to do any thing else or do i just leave it now for a few weeks? is it wrong i cant stop looking at it do i need to...
  8. S

    Evening all

    hi brookenstein your in the same boat as me going to try start my beer of on sunday or moonday when i get some time to give it some attention. good luck
  9. S


    hi every one hope you all had a good christmas, im lucky to have been bought a simple home brew kit for christmas just a bucket and a load of bottles and a tin of ale to turn it to beers any help and tips would be apreciated. i also like beers from all over the world and its a little hobby of...