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  1. C

    bottle colour

    Im puttin lager in them thats whats in them when i buy them aswell will be kept in garage with no windows so will dark virtually all the time so should be ok thank you all
  2. C

    bottle colour

    Everyone says brown bottles are best because they block some light but are green ones any good
  3. C

    which 1st

    Not be much chance of me leaving it 12 weeks this will only be my 2nd batch i will have to build up a stock before i start leaveing it anywhere near 12 weeks :grin:
  4. C

    which 1st

    The wife won at bingo last night so to celebrate i ordered a better brew czech pilsner a better brew export lager and a coopers european lager kit. 4kg brewing sugar and a primming bucket any siggestions on which to do 1st :cheers: :cheers:
  5. C

    bottleing mistakes

    Sediment aint that bad
  6. C

    bottleing mistakes

    I can see the sugar on the bottom of the bottle have turned the bottles a couple of times and going to keep turning em and leave in a warm place a bit longer and just hope its at least drinkable. dont like flat beer though
  7. C

    bottleing mistakes

    I bottled my first batch sat night (didnt go well) Checked the bottles and the sugar hasnt dissolved any idea what i done wrong. also on my next batch im going use a extra bucket to prime the batch before bottleing can i add my beer finnins at same time as the sugar
  8. C


    Hi everyone ive just bottled my first brew so am waiting for that now did a better brew pills kit was all going well untill the bottleing stage when i made a right mess. on my next brew i was thinkin of getting a extra bucket syponing the lager to it addin the beer finnings leavin it 24hrs...