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  1. BlackCountryAJ

    Harris Original Mild

    I received this kit as a Christmas gift along with the Dark Rock Amber Enhancer. Has anyone tried it before? What are your thoughts? Do you have any tips? I’m planning to use Tesco Ashbeck water and possibly adjust the water chemistry, but I’m not sure yet.
  2. BlackCountryAJ

    Geordie Winter Warmer

    So after bottling it , It's ok and my first beer that doesnt have that TCP smells and taste! Tesco ashbeck helped with that. The head retention isnt great to be honest, has a malty,liquorice and raisan taste to it. I probably wouldn't do this kit again but glad I did :)
  3. BlackCountryAJ

    Geordie Winter Warmer

    Yeah, I want to experiment more next time. My last 3 attempts ,I've only had beers that smell like TCP, so I’ve been hesitant to tinker because I don’t feel confident enough yet. I’m just hoping it turns out okay once it’s bottled!
  4. BlackCountryAJ

    Geordie Winter Warmer

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum and excited to join the community! I've recently completed my first homebrew using Tesco Ashbeck spring water and the Geordie Winter Warmer kit. I had some issues with TCP smells /tastes when using my tap water, even with Campden tablets/pure brew, so I switched...