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  1. V

    Cider thoughts

    Thank you, that's very helpful. So on point 2) a lot of so called pure apple juice you buy from the supermarket has an antioxidant in it, usually vitamin C. It's not a preservative as such, but it's used to stop the juice oxidising too much, i.e. turning brown. On point 3) I was just going to...
  2. V

    Cider thoughts

    Made cider from my own apples for the first time a couple of weeks ago, Dabinet and Hereford Red Streak. 15 litres of juice, 1046 OG, nothing added. After 3 days the airlock was going like the clappers, 4 days later it's stopped completely and the gravity is 1002. It is very murky, slight...
  3. V


    Afternoon all, Vince from sunny Suffolk. I'm a returning homebrewer, pretty sure I was once a member on this site or one that looked very much like it, but I've not brewed for probably 10 years. At present I have 15 litres of cider on the go from the Dabinet and Hereford Redstreak trees at my...