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  1. C

    Grainfather GF30 Cleaning Advice

    I've heard good things about Enzybrew so will definitely give it a try, the price has put me off before now but I guess you get what you pay for. I managed to shift most of the stains with neat chemsan applied with a microfiber cloth then immediately rinsed off with loads of water. I guess it's...
  2. C

    Grainfather GF30 Cleaning Advice

    Morning all, I've just come to clean my GF30 after my first brew in it and there is a slight stain where the Krausen was. I have manually cleaned and soaked using different strengths of Chemclean and it won't budge. Do I take this as clean and the metal has just stained slightly or do I need a...
  3. C

    Dumping Trub / Bottle Conditioning

    I'm looking for a little advice regarding dumping trub during fermentation. I'm planning to bottle condition this batch and not sure if dumping the trub will affect how well it carbonates. Will I still have plenty of yeast in suspension or not, I usually dump the trub and hops then go straight...
  4. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    I've had a look at some different Kveiks and they all seem to have a best temp range of 30-40. Can I ferment these lower say 25-26 albeit might take abit longer to finish. I think my equipment would be happy maintaining 25 degrees, 30+ could be asking alot I'm thinking. Winter project needs to...
  5. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    Perfect, thank you I will check that strain out. Can I ferment it lower than the recommended ranges without issues. This time of the year my brew space fluctuates between 20-24 during the day so I would aim to set my heating to maintain the upper end of that range if not a degree or two higher...
  6. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    That's a good suggestion actually and I hadn't thought of trying that, if I remove the PRV I should be able to insert a bung and airlock there. I had pretty much ruled out sanitation as all my other equipment was used at some stage throughout my latest brew with no issue so far. I guess I could...
  7. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    Guilty as charged! I was swept away with my new hobby for sure, thankfully it was £80 so although it hurts and a waste of money I can learn from it and get the basics right. I've gone back to the standard plastic fermenter and airlock for my lastest brew and it's going great so far and alot less...
  8. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    The yeast I was using is the Mangrove Jack's M44 US West Coast that came in the kit, 10g I believe. I thought my sanitation and cleaning was pretty good, I guess there is a difference between clean and beer clean so I will have a look at my process just to rule that out. I have brew going at the...
  9. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    That's what I want to here 👍 I think fermentation may have finished though I've hit FG and same reading 2 days running. Can it be recovered post fermentation?
  10. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    No that was my fear, I'm hoping being under pressure the sulphur smell and no where to go and it's imparted that smell in to the beer. Do you think it's salvageable? Apart from the smell and taste it looks fine, no worrying moulds, oil slicks discoloration etc.
  11. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    Yeah I'm not going to pressure ferment in the future, I think it was a case of getting all the kit without any knowledge. There's no really benefit for the styles I want to brew apart from low O2 I guess but with good practices I should limit most of that risk anyway. I'll probably just use...
  12. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    Thank you for your reply I will do that and hope it recovers. Do you think it's the way I've approached pressure fermenting, building pressure from the start? Should I allow it to vent normally with no pressure until the yeast gets going then apply pressure towards the end of fermentation only?
  13. C

    Pressure Fermentation/Strong Sulphur Smell

    Hi All, New member and first post so apologies if its been covered before. I've been brewing for about 9 months, only using kits and was just about to make the jump to all grain when I ran into a few issues with off smells/flavours. I've been pressure fermenting using the keg King chubby and...