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  1. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    I did mention this in a previous comment. although I see what you mean and I'm not really looking that deep into it but I had thought about this too when I was considering buying the dispense gun for my beer/cider making and came to the below conclusion before going ahead pulling the trigger on...
  2. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    Oh now... 27 years of life on this earth and I have only just now learned that this is the correct way to use this phrase. Thank you very much! Had done a bit of digging into N2 and the lack of availability for it being supplied going through BOC in NI is probably the biggest factor. Once I...
  3. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    I degassed my wine kit but didn't degas my mead. My wine kit was finished in around 6/7 weeks started at the beginning of July, consumed by end of August My mead was about 6 months. Started at the beginning of July last year, after racking into a secondary, it wasn't touched until Christmas Eve...
  4. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    Just in case anybody is wondering about what I've been reading that has made me so curious about trying it... I've copied a few links below:
  5. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    DISCLAIMER: This is from my own googling and is my take on it. Don't take this as gospel. Please ensure to do your own research if reading this. I've done a lil bit of research on this and it's what made me think about going with the argon. It's heavier than air, and purging the bottle with Ar...
  6. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    The blowtie would be set to relieve at basically atmospheric, making it a one way valve. I see there is potential for CO2 to dissolve into the wine but I don't see how that's any different from an airlock that's been appropriately filled with sanitising solution, the pressure build up in a...
  7. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    No offense taken Mash, you've been incredibly helpful on previous posts of my own so I do appreciate your advice and input. As with yourselves also Nick and Ankoú. I'm a newcomer to this side of things so I appreciate you both also have the experience and knowledge in this process. It really is...
  8. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    Hello Mash! I've made a 6 bottle beaverdale kit and a mead before and both came out well but curiosity is nipping at me surrounding this one. Have some Na-Meta and K-Sorbate on hand I do very often see this type of response but I've not actually seen or come across anybody doing it so I'm...
  9. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    So done a bit more digging and came across the SDS for the product. Used the CAS-no from that to compare it against BOC to see what applications they use the same product for and it appears that it should be suitable for what I want to use it for... Guess I'll come back with an update once I...
  10. aero-spaced-out

    Closed Transfer Wine Making

    Hello all One of the things I'm keen on getting into on my homebrew journey is wine making. Specifically using a closed system such as a pressure fermenter to do so. I've seen several posts about and pretty much all of them are saying that it isn't overly practical and CO2 is something that...
  11. aero-spaced-out

    Thermoprobe queries

    When you say silicone in the probe, do you mean to coat the entire probe in silicone and slide it down until it bottoms out? This way the silicone will act as the medium to transfer the readings to the probe?
  12. aero-spaced-out

    Thermoprobe queries

    My issue with doing it dry is that the fluctuations in temp when dry cause the heater to come on and the cooling to come on too which means that the true temp may start to drift or vary. With it being two different conditions I'm unsure how much I could continue to trust a dry well now I've seen...
  13. aero-spaced-out

    Thermoprobe queries

    Hello all Recently installed a thermowell to my 30L allrounder after I finished a temp chamber build. Doing a water test in it and noticed that I was getting around a +/-0.5°C sway on my temp readings. I have a RAPT Temp Controller. After some discussion with the ones in work they asked what...
  14. aero-spaced-out

    Fermentation Chamber Build - Heat Source and Holes?

    That is bloody cracking that!! If you don't mine my asking, what is the height of the T piece when it is attached and in use compared to that of a Ball lock post?
  15. aero-spaced-out

    A Rookie's Mistake and Transferring Woes

    No worries! that would really be dependent on the size of the fridge I suppose... in my case, only the 4L Wouldn't really be something I could imagine doing though unless I had a specific purpose for doing so. Would it be for storage purposes? A 2kg cannister of CO2...
  16. aero-spaced-out

    Fermentation Chamber Build - Heat Source and Holes?

    This is currently how I'm running with it. (See attached) Waiting on some Blowtie diaphragm spunds to arrive as this spring one has shown to be incredibly unreliable. Good shout about the float hose, I hadn't thought about that.
  17. aero-spaced-out

    Fermentation Chamber Build - Heat Source and Holes?

    I thought it worthwhile giving another update as this fermentation temp chamber has been a bit of time in the making. I believe I have finally finished it and will be doing a test with water to get my temp controller settings down to a fine art while I wait for my other items to arrive from...
  18. aero-spaced-out

    A Rookie's Mistake and Transferring Woes

    I have a bit of a strange setup with mine. Im using a sodastream on the Kegland MK4 Reg with the ***deluxe*** sodastream adapter. Please note the emphasis I am putting on the deluxe adapter. I tried the normal adapter that arrived with the reg from BKT not thinking much of it when I ordered it...
  19. aero-spaced-out

    A Rookie's Mistake and Transferring Woes

    Yeah I cleaned up and finished the transfer anyway. Got about 6L of the beer into the 8L keg. Done a bit of a force carbonation and actually over carbed the beer to my dismay so wasted a bit more trying to get it back out of solution. Once I found the middle ground though it ended up working out...