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  1. Paul Quinn

    Fuggle Hops

    In my defence, I never dredge, but a good pun will bob to the surface every now and then.
  2. Paul Quinn

    Fuggle Hops

    He might want to increase the pee-aitch value...
  3. Paul Quinn

    No chill

    Thanks, but my freezer is using energy whether I freeze water pouches or not. I take your point about not being able to quantify the cooling effect, although I still maintain that the temp drop would affect the wort alone and not the external bath. I was surprised at the temp drop when I tried...
  4. Paul Quinn

    No chill

    To my understanding, placing in the wort would be more effective than diluting the chill factor throughout the gallons of surrounding water.
  5. Paul Quinn

    No chill

    Thank you. Very encouraging.
  6. Paul Quinn

    No chill

    Yes, they will shrink, my mistake. Glad to hear it is an approved method, thanks.
  7. Paul Quinn

    No chill

    I know this part of the thread is quite old, and everyone seems to have given their two-penneth on the subject of cooling, but I would like to ask if anyone can find fault with a cooling method I have come up with. If it has already been put forward then I am not as clever as I think I am, but I...
  8. Paul Quinn

    My first brew plans + equipment setup

    Not sure the range you are looking for is between 2 and 4.
  9. Paul Quinn

    My first brew plans + equipment setup

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but you need to add a couple of items to your inventory. Ph is crucial when making meads and Metheglins, so grab some potassium Carbonate to increase alkalinity if necessary, and some form of ph tester, whether strips or digital.
  10. Paul Quinn

    Introducing myself

    Thanks for the welcome, just a few words to introduce myself. I have dabbled on and off for decades with mead brewing and beer kits, but have just decided to take up all grain brewing. Ideally, I would like to succeed with a recipe as close as possible to Youngs American Amber Ale (I assure you...
  11. Paul Quinn

    Trying new things.

    Thanks for the welcome, just a few words to introduce myself. I have dabbled on and off for decades with mead brewing and beer kits, but have just decided to take up all grain brewing. Ideally, I would like to succeed with a recipe as close as possible to Youngs American Amber Ale (I assure you...