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  1. S


    Hi I was wondering if someone could give me a ball park figure to allow for evaporation. I will be using a homemade plastic boiler which maintains a steady rolling boil. I did my first small batch ( 11 litres ) AG on the weekend using a stock pot on the cooker and ended up with just over 9...
  2. S

    Traditinal beer & cider making

    Hi I picked up the book "Traditional beer & cider making" by Ian Ball, in a charity shop and I was wondering if anyone had tried the beer and ale recipes. Having only brewed from kits and wanting to be a little more adventurous the book contains recipes for 1 gallon brews that sound easy enough...
  3. S

    Hello from The Forest Of Dean

    Hello fellow drinkers. After years of Cider making ( which still continues ) I find my tastes are changing and after a friends introduction to some beer made from a kit and far to many pints of "Doombar" down the local I've taken the plunge and started brewing beers from kits avaliable from my...