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  1. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Yeah it could be but the taste isn't great either 😞
  2. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Both bottles tasted the same. Not sure why one wasn't carbonated as it was batch primed and both came from the same cupboard (2 weeks in) I'll give them another week before trying and see how I go. I just don't think the taste will get better. The first brew I did of this was lovely. Thought...
  3. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Half of this before it went down the sink. Something changed between bottling and opening it. Definitely oxidisation, likely to me transferring from one bucket to another prior to bottling. Taste is very off too, again, different to what it tasted like before bottling. Also as I batch primed I...
  4. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    This was decent. One too many of my Belgian Tripels last night. Probably a bad idea putting some into 500ml bottles 😂
  5. ale_crowe_holic


    Tbh, they are a very good brewery and the beers I've had have been superb. They have probably made a Helles due to Oktoberfest and haven't thought of a German sounding name. I'm not sure any of their names have any meaning really. It might be an automatic thing on the card reader but I've...
  6. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Opened early but a Belgian Tripel which I made.
  7. ale_crowe_holic

    What did you brew today?

    Measured over the last couple of days. Going to check Tuesday morning as I'm going away for 2 weeks from then so hoping to bottle before I go.
  8. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Not good. not bad
  9. ale_crowe_holic

    Zombie knife ban

    The thing is, anyone, especially now , can go into Sainsbury's etc and buy a block of kitchen knives. Any of those knives could end someone's life. What's needed is severe stop and search powers without the fear of being called racist etc. Anyone found holding a knife gets minimum 5 years...
  10. ale_crowe_holic

    What did you brew today?

    Ok, just the oats then.
  11. ale_crowe_holic

    What did you brew today?

    My DIPA has turned into a TIPA. I'm assuming due to the extra oats and lactose I added at the start 😂
  12. ale_crowe_holic

    Has anybody used Temu?

    I think that's if you want to use one of their offers. I bought a fingerboard (climbing training board) from them for £9.99 where their website sold it for "£49.99" I think I had to get the basket over £12 for free postage. It arrived in a week. The quality is much lesser than who it's...
  13. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    His was really good.
  14. ale_crowe_holic


  15. ale_crowe_holic


    Tipping culture is ridiculous in America and it's creeping here. I was at a brewery in Liverpool (you can all guess which one). I literally picked 4 cans out of their fridge and put them on the counter. The guy handed me the card terminal with an expectant look. On the screen, 5%, 10%, 15% or...
  16. ale_crowe_holic


    I won't be having anymore vaccinations for COVID. Had the first 2 and a booster because at that point, we had an elderly relative who was at high risk. Unfortunately, even after getting vaccinated, we couldn't see her as the nursing home wouldn't allow visitors unless through a window. She died...
  17. ale_crowe_holic

    What did you brew today?

    Made up another bulldog American DIPA today but I'm adding to it. Made it up to 24L instead of 23L. I added both hop packs (25g each of Simcoe and Summit after adding the hot water to the mix. Gave it a good stir and then when topping up with water I added 300g of oats and 250g of lactose...
  18. ale_crowe_holic

    What did you brew today?

    Cheers. This seems to be the general consensus elsewhere.