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  1. P

    Klarstein fermenter - anybody using?

    Just put my first brew in this vessel in the fridge to cold crash. No problems detected so far.
  2. P


    WTF does this have to do with Homebrewing!!!
  3. P

    No rinse sanitizers

    I thought Sodium Percarbonate was a CLEANING product. That is how I use it. I use ChemSan no rinse steriliser.
  4. P

    Leaky Tap Set-Up

    Many thanks for your information. I have some PTFE tape and will try it today. I shall look on Brewkegtap site today too. best regards Paul F
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    Leaky Tap Set-Up

    Hello one and all, I do hope someone can help me. I have attached a photograph of the above mentioned leaky tap set-up. As you will see it is a Nuka Tap (with return spring), a tap shank with collar and a connector to screw the tap shank to the product out post. It looks like the leaks are...
  6. P

    Klarstein fermenter - anybody using?

    Can you post a link to this offer please?
  7. P

    Brewing mistakes you really wish you'd avoided...

    Hi Sifty, sorry but I do not know what your BZ is, could you give me the make and model number please?
  8. P


    Have a look at the Ebac range of dehumidifiers, award winning British design. Mine works a treat. I have one in the garage and the wife hangs all wet washing in there during bad weather. The Ebac dries it out in no time at all.
  9. P

    SS Conical Fermenter or my Classic Plastic Bucket

    That is an excellent idea. I think I have an old sleeping bag in the loft.
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    SS Conical Fermenter or my Classic Plastic Bucket

    Hello again, many thanks for that I shall try to order one today..
  11. P

    SS Conical Fermenter or my Classic Plastic Bucket

    Hello there, thanks for replying to my post. I have searched for a dedicated klarstein fermenter jacket for mine, but I cannot find one. Can you help? When you say zero ambient temperature, can I ask what you are using to heat the fermenter? Or is this the Brewtech control kit?
  12. P

    SS Conical Fermenter or my Classic Plastic Bucket

    Hi there, my one stands on 3 legs, so that alone along with the narrower conical bottom do mean it is taller than a plastic bin.
  13. P

    SS Conical Fermenter or my Classic Plastic Bucket

    Hello everyone, I am wanting to start a brew in my garage which is averaging around 12 - 14 degrees C at the moment. I have a Klarstein SS Conical Fermenter, but it does not have the yeast extraction outlet at very bottom that some have. It just has the tap for transferring finished brew to...
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    Bucket Buddy (SS) Fermenter

    Hello, has anyone got one of these? I am considering getting one and would appreciate some feedback / reviews. Thank you all.
  15. P

    Making a Kegerator - should I use Fridge or Freezer?

    Once again, great, practical advice. Thank you everyone who has replied. I can now see the way forward.
  16. P

    Making a Kegerator - should I use Fridge or Freezer?

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I will fit tap(s) through the door I think to be on the safe side.
  17. P

    Making a Kegerator - should I use Fridge or Freezer?

    Thank you for sharing that with me. Useful information.
  18. P

    Making a Kegerator - should I use Fridge or Freezer?

    You are probably correct. I will find a space where I can site a taller larder fridge. Thank you.