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  1. G

    Beer too sweet

    That's reassuring. Left it for 4 days in warm ish place but then moved it so that fits. Will try to keep away from it for a bit and see what happens. Thanks for the help chaps
  2. G

    Beer too sweet

    Sorry. I have already keged it and its been sitting in the cool for a fortnight. According to the kits you keg it with a bit of sugar which I did and it now tastes pretty sweet.
  3. G

    Beer too sweet

    Must admit I have failed on the Hydro readings as with the kits I tend to wait until it stops bubbling then give it a week and that has served me well. Just took a reading at 1.015
  4. G

    Beer too sweet

    Hi guys. I have just finished a batch of St. Peter's IPA and its bloody sweet, no really it's sickly sweet. Fermentation had finished and I added the prescribed amount of sugar before kegging up but it now tastes a little less pleasant than I was hoping. Is there any way of reducing the...
  5. G

    Hello from Devon.

    Thanks for the welcome guys and the oak leaf recipe that's a new one I thought you could only make oak leaf wine with new leafs. Will be out collecting for that tomorrow.
  6. G

    Hello from Devon.

    Evening all. Adrian, 30, North Devon, brewing on and off for about 5 years now mainly from kits but done the odd own recipe mead and fruit wine when I find the time to scrimp the fruit from somewhere. Just got back on it with an IPA and a Barolo but hope to branch out into something more...