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  1. R

    christmas and new year cider ?

    Sorry I didn't mean how quick could you bottle,I was wondering if you only had a month before drinking began would you get better results by bottling straight away and leaving for a month in the bottle or leaving it in the fv for a few extra weeks and then only 2 weeks in the bottle. Sorry all...
  2. R

    Do I top up Turbo Cider

    Ohh :shock: slight problem,in my eagerness I have topped them up with apple juice,is this going to cause major problems? I was planning on leaving it in the secondary jars for a few months to age,will I have to re rack again or will they be ok?
  3. R

    Do I top up Turbo Cider

    Just a quick question about my tc,its just done its first 2 weeks fermentation and I'm about to syphon it into clean jars for secondary fermentation,I obviously leave the yeast/debris behind,but do I need to top up the jars again with apple juice or water or do I just leave them not quite full...
  4. R

    christmas and new year cider ?

    About to put demi johns of tc using the above method myself! Just sterilising the jars as we speak :thumb: Will keep my results posted!
  5. R

    christmas and new year cider ?

    Following the above recipe and time scale would you need to add pectin at all or is there no point? Also would it be better leaving the cider bottled for a month or only 2 weeks and having a extra to weeks in the secondary fv.
  6. R

    When to bottle turbo cider?

    Thanks for the replies :cheers: Not sure where to put my tc for batch conditioning I guess outside will be to cold this time of year!
  7. R

    When to bottle turbo cider?

    Ok I have decided to keep the stuff iv started for a longer time seeing as iv added malic acid and I'm going to put another 2 demijohns on this week for xmas without malic acid. So when I go to batch conditioning for the ones with malic acid do I keep it inside or outside in my shed? I know...
  8. R

    When to bottle turbo cider?

    Thanks to everyone who has commented/helped on this post it really is appreciated especially as I'm new here :thumb: Iv got 4 demijohns on the go all with malic acid in, understanding now I'm not going to have time for malic fermentation to take place how much worse will the flavour be with...
  9. R

    When to bottle turbo cider?

    @BIgDDunc Thanks for taking the time to reply much appreciated :thumb: While batch maturing do I keep it outside in the cool or at room temp inside? cheers
  10. R

    When to bottle turbo cider?

    Hello all :-) Complete newbie at home brew, just been to wilkinsons and bought everything I think I need after looking at recipes on here. About to start my turbo cider off and I'd like to start drinking it around Christmas so I'm just wondering after its finished fermenting and iv transfered...