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  1. DominicRL

    Bottling from a Fermzilla gen3 - possible without CO2 tanks?

    Hi folks - hope all well. I'm currently looking into investing in the Fermzilla gen 3.2 with pressure brewing kit, after 16 or so brews using basic plastic buckets (very happy with what I've made, but keen to level up). I see the malt miller has a good deal, and keen to snap up if a sensible...
  2. DominicRL

    OG Higher than expected - thoughts?

    If I could get away with it I definitely would, it took intensive negotiations with the partner to find a home for the fermenters…
  3. DominicRL

    OG Higher than expected - thoughts?

    Interesting idea, so I took the sample directly as I was filling the fermentor (about 5/23l had gone in so not really the beginning or end) about 10 mins after the end of the boil.
  4. DominicRL

    OG Higher than expected - thoughts?

    Funnily enough I worked in ice cream manufacturing for a bit and it was the exact same thing, if the milk fats weren’t varying wildly then the ingredients were lost somewhere in Europe… as suppliers go I’ve always been impressed with MM so will forgive them (it’s more alcohol after all…) and...
  5. DominicRL

    OG Higher than expected - thoughts?

    Fairly standard for a bitter - 64(60) and 75(10) for mash out.
  6. DominicRL

    OG Higher than expected - thoughts?

    About 86/87% I believe (from 5kg of pale malt that would be right) which would be higher than anything I’ve got before, though a combo of a hop plate and mash whirlpooling is new. Will see if I can recreate this with a recipe I’ve checked the weight of myself!
  7. DominicRL

    OG Higher than expected - thoughts?

    I was thinking exactly this, a couple points up or down wouldn’t throw me but 7 points get obscene. In truth I didn’t check, have never had an issue so didn’t think too - a lesson for the future!
  8. DominicRL

    OG Higher than expected - thoughts?

    Hi Folks, So I’ve recently brewed a malt miller all grain kit, the ‘proud griffin’. I try to alternate between recipes (to learn styles) and my own innovations. Usually these kits are bang on the money for OG, but my last brew (23l batch for a supposed 1.048 OG) has led to a 22.8l batch with a...
  9. DominicRL

    Losing flavour in primary fermentor following small heat rise

    Thanks Scotty. I think that makes a lot of sense re yeast flavours being largely about temperature, for the Belgian the banana was meant to come from the T58. My thinking is either the fluctuation due to cold weather (poor heat pad can only do so much) has done this, or as others have suggested...
  10. DominicRL

    Losing flavour in primary fermentor following small heat rise

    Now this does give me some hope, the yeast profile suggests I should be getting banana / stone fruits in those beers so it makes sense that maybe something needs to mellow to let those flavours shine (banana is a gentler flavour than standard hop bitterness so would make a lot of sense). I’ll do...
  11. DominicRL

    Losing flavour in primary fermentor following small heat rise

    That’s good to know, I may try repeating at a cooler temperature to see if I can keep the more delicate flavours - the annoying thing is that the yeast in both cases was meant to impart what I mentioned (and did for a couple of days) but it seemed to disappear those few gravity points before FG...
  12. DominicRL

    Losing flavour in primary fermentor following small heat rise

    Glad I’m not alone here, it really seems to happen at those final few gravity points so I think I may try a split batch next time - one where I drop the temperature immediately as I hit FG and another with a diac rest to see the difference. Fingers crossed it does come back in the bottle as you say!
  13. DominicRL

    Losing flavour in primary fermentor following small heat rise

    Hi folks - a question following my two most recent brews where I seem to have lost a lot of flavour and aroma in the last few days of fermentation with small temperature rises. The first was a NEIPA and the second a Belgian Blonde, it’s been very cold so I’ve been relying (for my plastic...
  14. DominicRL

    Temperature and carbonation

    Hi All, An interesting one for you, I’ve noticed since temperatures have dropped that my recent beers seem less carbonated (despite me using heat pads during fermentation to maintain the correct temp). This is the same for beers brewed before temperatures dropped but which I’ve put in the...
  15. DominicRL

    Grainfather G30 - safety valve

    You’re a legend - thank you!
  16. DominicRL

    Grainfather G30 - safety valve

    Good to know I’m not alone, I think I’m going to start doing the same just before the chilling stage as it seems ok up to that point. Interesting, I didn’t know the flow had to be limited during mashing (I’m only six brews in so still in the learning stages!)
  17. DominicRL

    Grainfather G30 - safety valve

    Yes it’s attached, and the right way round etc as described in the instructions. So the strange thing is it seems absolutely fine during the mash - weaker flow occasionally (but an/off of the pump resolves). Yet once I start bringing in the additions it is very reluctant to pump - not every time...
  18. DominicRL

    Grainfather G30 - safety valve

    Hello folks! A question on the safety valve and clogging with the G30 (v2 but I believe the valve is identical to the v1). Virtually every brew to date has involved clogging (sometimes extending the brew day by an hour - and certainly not helping the wort!) when using the counterflow chiller...
  19. DominicRL

    FG too high!

    Ah very interesting, so the recipe is likely incorrect because the software DH used could have classed lactose as fermentable sugar (or didn’t consider it at all)? I must admit my first go brewing with lactose has baffled me - you would’ve have thought five years in an ice cream factory would’ve...
  20. DominicRL

    FG too high!

    No a different one, it’s at this link: