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  1. T

    About Acidulated Malt

    I wrote to Château, this Is what they told me: "This Is a question that regularly comes up. We measured pH lowering in function of acid malt addition. The relation Is not linear. What Weyermann says Is not true in practice" There was this image. Orange Is what was expected, Blue Is what...
  2. T

    Low alcohol partigyle - thoughts welcome

    Listen to my story Today I checked FGs. The Daughter Beer looks like a very diluted version of the Mother Beer (which makes sense because that's what It Is!). While degassing (aka shaking) the samples, the Daughter Beer went headless in a minute, possibly matching the lack of head retention...
  3. T

    NEIPA - more bitter than expected, what did I do wrong?

    Nothing, in fact you may have done a decent NEIPA, although I admit that "decent NEIPA" sounds like an oxymoron
  4. T

    Low alcohol partigyle - thoughts welcome

    Grains were 85% Vienna, 10% Chocolate, 5% flaked barley. Pretty bold considering that for the small beer I used a yeast that should give me a lot of banana.
  5. T

    Low alcohol partigyle - thoughts welcome

    Well Today I brewed a beer: OG 1.035. Then I put some more water, to get about half the First beer's volume. I mashed again, boiled again, put hops only post boil. OG 1.006... very low. I pitched anyway a bit of SafAle 256, it should have a lot of attenuation, should be able to find...
  6. T

    About Acidulated Malt

    Yes, but apparently there's a big difference in lactic acid content between the 1-2% of Weyermann and 4,5% of Ireks, so I'd guess a pound of Weyermann and a pound of Ireks aren't the same thing. I'd write them but Ireks never answers...
  7. T

    About Acidulated Malt

    Weyermann's rule of thumb says "1% malt reduces 0.1 pH". Their malt is 1%-2% lactic acid, max 10% of the grist. But Ireks says max 5%: the reason Is that their malt is 4,5% lactic acid. Then there's Castle Malt: they don't provide lactic acid %, but state that their malt's pH Is 4.5. Since...
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    Ignore, can't delete

    I was ignoring but seeing so many posts I became interested
  9. T

    Cold Mash To Lower PH

    Well if It's really just cold extraction and pH Is not related then It's nothing new... It's what I do with my tea.
  10. T

    Cold Mash To Lower PH

    There's also this little thing called non-enzymatic mash: you mash cold overnight to extract body, flavor and just a bit of fermentables to get a very low alcohol beer. Could be related?
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    Cold Mash To Lower PH

    I could too because I was close to do the same thing for my last brew, but in my case I was more worried of actual bugs than sourness
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    Cold Mash To Lower PH

    Would be interesting if you could take a PH reading during a brew day after this cold mash and compare It to the expected pH... (I'd do that myself but don't have a pH reader, although May buy a cheap one just to try)
  13. T

    Cold Mash To Lower PH

    I know about acid rest but It's not that. I mean cold water, about 5 C. In his book about traditional farmhouse methods Garshol mentions this as a relatively common practice among farmhouse brewers. And as with many traditional methods they don't really know why they do that, only that It works...
  14. T

    Cold Mash To Lower PH

    Apparently farmhouse brewers prepare the mash with a little cold water the evening before brewing. This Is thought to lower PH. Ever tried this?
  15. T

    Brainstorming about ways of recapturing CO2 from fermentation

    Byproducts as in the nasty stuff that fermention "farts" out with CO2, as written in previous posts. I'd opt for 2b too, in fact I think I will
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    Brainstorming about ways of recapturing CO2 from fermentation

    Any problems with fermentation byproducts?
  17. T

    Brainstorming about ways of recapturing CO2 from fermentation

    Well I said bags because I have bags and not balloons at home right now, wouldn't mind to use balloons if it works
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    Brainstorming about ways of recapturing CO2 from fermentation

    I can't trust if you don't explain me why. I see that if I blow in a bag of plastic or paper It inflates. Why can't yeast do the same, when he's got better lungs than mine?
  19. T

    Brainstorming about ways of recapturing CO2 from fermentation

    Could one reach at least British cask ale carbonation? Let's say, 1,3 or 1,5? If not, one could at least carbonate the beer and still use the collected CO2 to serve by gravity without letting air touch the beer