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  1. M

    Woodforde's Wherry on the go

    Started my Wherry off yesterday evening, shes foaming like a good-un now! can't decide to bottle or keg now! :hmm:
  2. M

    I think I know the answer... but...

    Well, since I posted it seems fermentation has finished, the SG has been 1.003 for 2 days, so I think Im going to chance bottling on Friday. Its quite cloudy, but Im sure that will settle out, though I have got some finings I could drop it.
  3. M

    I think I know the answer... but...

    Thanks for the quick replies. I will get another SG reading tomorrow and see whats happening. Im sure it is fermenting ok, as I have lots of bubbles - a few at 16 deg, loads at 22/24 deg.
  4. M

    I think I know the answer... but...

    I started a Betterbrew Yorkshire bitter off on 26th Sept and it is still bubbling away quite well. Ive had trouble controlling the temp as it drops to about 16, so Ive been letting the FV sit in warm water every few days and it brings the temp up again. What worries me, is there appears to be a...
  5. M

    First one is in the FV

    Thanks for your tips :) Will be trying the dry hop thing on the next brew. It appears to be bubbing away well, not much of a "head" on the FV but looks ok I think, temp has settled out at about 20 degrees. its murder not taking the lid off to have a look !
  6. M

    First one is in the FV

    The kit arrived this morning, so unable to sleep after a nightshift, I cracked on and made it up this afternoon. Got the "Better-brew Yorkshire Bitter" kit, made it up as instructions say, for this first time. Looking forward to experimenting as I progress. Everything seemed quite easy, so its...
  7. M


    Hi there, Well I have taken another step towards turning into my father, who always had a few brews on the go and Ive bought the "better brew bitter starter kit" should be a good learning curve and I hope to learn a fair bit from here, as I basically know nothing about home-brewing!