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  1. D

    Brew started on 15/06, possibly drinkable for this 22/06?

    I understand your point and respect your opinion, it was the wording more than anything. True I am asking quite an outrageous question given that this forum is all about the gentle (yet sometimes paradoxically explosive) art of home brewing, but in all fairness it is only a question. I wouldn't...
  2. D

    Brew started on 15/06, possibly drinkable for this 22/06?

    Out the window flies natural carbonation! I guess I'll have to tap up a friend for a proper keg and a cylinder of CO2 then. What pressures would be recommended for force carbonation and for how long? I'm currently scouring the 'net for the same answer but if any of you have figures close to hand...
  3. D

    Brew started on 15/06, possibly drinkable for this 22/06?

    A couple of positive replies, thanks Aleman! You're right to say "if you know what you're doing" as I don't really, I've read lots of theory behind brewing and different techniques, and I've only actually brewed a few myself but I am learning and do like to question and try new things (how else...
  4. D

    Brew started on 15/06, possibly drinkable for this 22/06?

    I've previously made wine from a Solomon Grundy 7-day kit that turned out ok, they use kieselsol and chitosan as the clearing agents. Would these agents not remove the "mess" left behind by the yeast?
  5. D

    Brew started on 15/06, possibly drinkable for this 22/06?

    Hi all, I started a Coopers Australian Pale ale kit on 15/06 and was wondering whether it would be possible to finish, clear and carbonate the lot by this Friday (I have a party and was thinking it'd be nice to take some along with me)? The starting SG was 1.038 and a hydrometer reading taken...