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  1. Fermentandrise

    Verdant Maltmiller Comp

    I got an email a few days ago. I got 27/50 for my NEIPA (Azzaca and Idaho-7) which is only 3 points from being regarded as 'Very good' and the feedback was accurate and very actionable. I'm really happy with the score as a first comp attempt and NEIPAs are quite technically challenging beers to...
  2. Fermentandrise

    Ferment & Rise YouTube channel

    Thanks BenSound looks good, i'll give it a go
  3. Fermentandrise

    Ferment & Rise YouTube channel

    Hi! As Banbeer has correctly noticed the plastic fermenter is one from The Malt Miller, it's now 4 years old and still going strong despite the kinked lid from the video! I have not really thought much about the cost until you have asked this and doing some rough calculations I think the HERMS...
  4. Fermentandrise

    Apples in brewing - Anyone tried?

    It's felt like a very long year...
  5. Fermentandrise

    Apples in brewing - Anyone tried?

    Hi everyone, since it is Autumn and the fruit trees are pretty full i have been thinking about making a wild blackberry and apple saison but have not put apples in beer before. I'm thinking of the following approach - Thinly slice apples and dehydrate into apple 'chips' as this method tends to...
  6. Fermentandrise

    Ferment & Rise YouTube channel

    Thanks for the positive feedback and support, I'm happy to hear you liked it!
  7. Fermentandrise

    Ferment & Rise YouTube channel

    I was a little confused about this aswell and not sure how to respond as I don't make a penny from these videos and especially as this is posted in the appropriate section of the forum. 🤷‍♂️ I won't post any more on this but only want to share videos that are genuinly informative and helpful for...
  8. Fermentandrise

    Request:Northern Monk's Faith

    I love Faith. This is from their website to help dial in the numbers: 5.4% ABV 6 EBC 30 IBU 1.054 OG Hops from the commercial description = Citra, Mosaic & Columbus. Malt base - The brewfather recipe states the following which could do with tweaking a little: 83.3% Pale malt 8.3% Pale Oat...
  9. Fermentandrise

    Hello, i'm new

    I have been reading the designing great beers book and can't wait to test a new stout recipe I have built from the knowledge. I love stout so much and the last time I made it with coconut I could'nt believe how well it worked and how strong the coconut taste came through, it reminded me of a...
  10. Fermentandrise

    Ferment & Rise YouTube channel

    This is my NEIPA brewday which i'm very pleased with. Will start building tasting videos into the end instead of making seperate videos.
  11. Fermentandrise

    Hello, i'm new

    At the moment we only produce 21 ltrs each time (enough to fill a corny) and a fair amount of that is bottled from keg and given away or people come round and end up getting the 'flight' of whats on tap which inevitably turns into sessionable evenings. We are about to get the approvals and do...
  12. Fermentandrise

    Hello, i'm new

    Ok so the whole brewtubing' thing got me too. When i started putting videos on YouTube somebody referred to me as a 'brewtuber' and then after a bit of research it turns out it's a quirky label attached to those who share homebrewing videos which i never knew existed :)
  13. Fermentandrise

    Hello, i'm new

    Here is a pic of the black hole that keeps taking all my time 😃
  14. Fermentandrise

    Ferment & Rise YouTube channel

    Hi everyone, I kicked off a YouTube channel about a month ago as I'm about to invest a bit more into my 75ltr garage based HERMS brewery and thought this is worth documenting for others who wish to do to something similar. The ambition is to create simple, short videos that have really clear...
  15. Fermentandrise

    Hello, i'm new

    Hello everyone, my name is Lawrence and I started hombrewing 4 years ago. I very quickly pushed myself through from kitchen top BIAB, to tiered water cooler to my now almost fully finished 75ltr HERMS system in the garage. I think its fair to say the equipment side has kept me busy but now I...