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  1. R

    Using Gelatine to clear

    I have a simillar problem with an IPA, however I have used dry beer enzymes to increase ABV and sharpen the IPA up a little. I intend to bottle, so will the gelatine drop out the dry beer enymes leaving me with no ability to charge the bottles?
  2. R

    Food Grade Plastic Drum

    Anybody ever converted food grade blue plastic drums like the attached photo into a home brew rig?
  3. R

    Non Fermentable Sugars

    Thanks for your thoughts. The recipe was as follows: 30minute steep: 500g roast barley 500g crystal malt 75 minute boil 4kg dry dark malt extract 120g fuggles 450g black treacle Boil volume was 20litres with a boil gravity of 1.070 taken at 20 degrees C, final volume was made...
  4. R

    Non Fermentable Sugars

    Put in 225g of Black treacle for each 20l batch, do you think this could be the cause of the problem? Have I over done it on the non fermentable sugars? The beer its self tastes very good having drunk the FG sample. So the taste is working for me and should get a little better with a bit of age...
  5. R

    Non Fermentable Sugars

    Can non fermentable sugars such as xylose skew OG readings giving you a very poor FG and assocaited ABV? Been fermenting a bacth based on an Old Peculiar clone recipe adding plenty of black treacle. We doubled the boil ingreadients and split it out to two 20l buckets and topped it up to an OG...
  6. R

    Worthington's White Shield - Any suggestions

    Third brew of the year will be an IPA and as always hunting around for a good recipe. Roger Protz has Worthington's White Shield down as the Grand-daddy of IPAs any suggestions on how to formualte a clone or failing that a highly recommended IPA recipe for AG, or extract - anything goes, :wha: