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  1. M

    Labels, Printing etc

    Haha im liking the ducks Niel
  2. M

    Labels, Printing etc

    Nah, only fiddle with photoshop in the time i have between college, drinking, gigging and gaming, i'll have a bash at requests tho, never thought about it before, dont expect them to be full on :o quality though haha
  3. M

    Labels, Printing etc

    Mocked up another label for a dark ale ive just started to brew
  4. M

    Labels, Printing etc

    Wait....Milk? What? haha
  5. M

    Labels, Printing etc

    So does normal paper and pritt stick really work? lol
  6. M

    Labels, Printing etc

    Not sure if there was a thread on this already, and was unsure or where to put it. Where do you get your labels printed? Ive already designed a number of labels, but have no idea how to get them printed off, and then stick them to my bottles. Also, post your labels here! :grin: These are some...
  7. M

    Think ive spoilt my first batch...

    haha good idea lol i took another reading and its still quite low, its been a week now and its fluctuated around the 1.020 - 1.015 mark and back, i dunno whether ive done something wrong or what haha
  8. M

    Think ive spoilt my first batch...

    Its not ready to be bottled, i thought adding sugar in during fermentation etc upped the abv? im probably wrong tho :(
  9. M

    Vanilla Stout

    That looks lovely :shock: is there any way i could find a dumbed down version of how to make it, ive been looking to make a stout, but since im new to this, dont have the experience or knowledge :oops:
  10. M

    Think ive spoilt my first batch...

    Bit of an update, took a reading of 1.012 today, and decided to add a tablespoon of sugar in, stirring with a (sterilized, long handled, nonwooden :p) spoon. I hope this turns out well :shock: Edit; Also, its giving off an odd odour, kinda like the sour aftertaste of Mead or Cider :| Uhoh...
  11. M

    Think ive spoilt my first batch...

    Without sounding like a total idiot... Priming Sugar? Is that the sugar i put in initially to begin with, or do i have to put MORE sugar into the bottles before filling them?
  12. M

    Think ive spoilt my first batch...

    Okay so let me get this straight :shock: According tothe info supplied with the kit, ive gotta leave it for 4 weeks then put it in another barrel ready for bottling Should i leave it another week, maybe more, then move it to a cold place for a week, then put it in the bottling barrel? where...
  13. M

    Think ive spoilt my first batch...

    *Phew* Thanks, i was in cold sweats hoping that i hadnt screwed it up. Is there any way to up the ABV other than adding more sugar or yeast in the beginning of the broth? In a conversation with someone at work they said when brewing ales, sprinkling in sugar every few days with up the abv, but...
  14. M

    Think ive spoilt my first batch...

    As i explained in the introduction forum, im a first time brewer, brewing 5g of lager from a kit as we speak. One problem though, i followed the instructions in the kit exactly, but forgot to take the starting gravity with the hydrometer provided. Its been 3 days since i started to brew, and...