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  1. S

    Plastic Bottle stoppers

    Welcome I've had exactly the same issue. I have a lot of screw top bottles, of which the plastic stoppers fit non. They only fit some bottles a bought from Wilkinsons. So I've just bought corks and a corker from Wilkinsons. I was a bit dubious of the corker, which didn't look up to much but I...
  2. S

    Bottling Advice

    I've been using either reused screw tops or non screw top with plastic reusable corks without any problems so far. Though, I have struggled to acquire many non screw top bottles. As it's generally advised to only reuse screw top bottles once or twice I'd prefer to cork the screw top bottles but...
  3. S

    WOW crystalline sediment

    Ah, I see. I used Sainsbury's 100% pressed red grape juice not from concentrate from the fridge section. As it's now all in bottles I'll just decant when serving, as you say it's tasteless. Guess I'll just go with "from concentrate" from now on. I've currently got a batch on the go using 3...
  4. S

    Hi from Sunderland

    Cheers Steve
  5. S

    What got you into home brewing and why do you continue.

    I initially started up about 20 years ago with beer & wine kits and crude attempts at fruit juice wines during my student years to save cash. I continued on and off for a few years but gave it up about 10 years ago as I just didn't have the time. To be honest, don't think the quality was up to...
  6. S

    WOW crystalline sediment

    Cheers Moley for getting back to me. Point taken about "WOW" Forgot to mention I added 1 tsp of glycerine. I had it fermenting for about 5 weeks and clearing when racked for 10 days with Young's two part finings, so it didn't seem that I bottled too soon, or should I of racked it again? Could...
  7. S

    Hi from Sunderland

    Cheers Mike and Eggman :cheers:
  8. S

    WOW crystalline sediment

    Hi everyone, newbie here after a bit of advise. I bottled 6 bottles of red grape WOW (recipe below) and left in the garage to mature a few weeks ago. I have noticed that there is a crystalline sediment (like snow flakes) on the bottom which I assume is sugar, though when bottled the reading was...
  9. S

    Hi from Sunderland

    Hi everybody Just started up again after a 10 year break. Been doing 1 gallon kits and WOW's and have picked up a lot of tips from this forum. Cheers :cheers: Spangles