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  1. F

    leaking seal in plastic keg = flat!

    Thanks for that. I take it I need to bring it up to fermentation temp' before I add my sugar solution? It's probe ly sitting at less than 10 degrees c at the moment.
  2. F

    leaking seal in plastic keg = flat!

    As above I've just realised after 6 weeks conditioning my beer is flat as my keg had a leaking seal. The seal's fixed now but can I carbonate the beer? I have co2 bulbs but are these sufficient to carbonate? Or can I add some more sugar to the keg & expect it to carbonate it again? Thanks in...
  3. F

    no activity after 12 hours?

    Returned home to find the beer bubbling away nicely. Thanks for the advice.
  4. F

    no activity after 12 hours?

    Cheers for that, will try that later.
  5. F

    no activity after 12 hours?

    The wort was aireated with a paddle & drill for a good 5 mins before pitching my yeast. I do have some spare at home however I'm working now & won't get near it again until this evening! Starting to get worried again now....
  6. F

    no activity after 12 hours?

    Excellent, just the sort of replies I was looking for! So I haven't killed the yeast then?
  7. F

    no activity after 12 hours?

    Hi, I put a brupak old ale kit on last night. As it was late & I wanted to go to bed I suspect I may have pitched the yeast before the wort was cool enough(28* instead of the recommend 20*-25*). There's no gas whatsoever this morning & no head forming. Any thoughts or suggestions? Many...
  8. F

    How long will my brew stay fresh once opened?

    Great, thanks for the tips. So just to clarify, am I right in thinking I don't need to introduce any co2 until the beer starts to slow down flowing from the tap & if I keep it topped up the beer should stay fresh for weeks? Many thanks, Adam.
  9. F

    How long will my brew stay fresh once opened?

    Hi, i'm sure its been asked before but i've searched & not found an answer so here goes! I've had my first brew (coopers Irish stout) in a 5 gallon plastic barrel(the type that take the Co2 bulbs) for about 4 weeks or so. My concern is that I really should have bottled & that once I start to...