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  1. H

    Movember Registration has started, please sign up and join the hairy ninjas! Ok I am a little early but thought I would get in there now! Prostate cancer is a subject very close to my heart. I have lost two family members to it, my father...
  2. H

    Very Happy

    Just checked the FG on my hambleton bard - Bards bitter which is my first brew go at brewing (although only did it to 20l and used 1kg BKE) after 8 days. Still has a little to go, but I thought I would have a try of the little bit in the bottom of my tester jar. Very impressed and even the mrs...
  3. H

    Boots bitter kit

    Just got a job lot of brewing stuff off ebay and one of the items was a boots bitter brewing kit, makes 12l, came with everything including bottles lids etc Now I know they stopped making these a long time ago, and I have no best before date, so what is the general opinion on giving it a go...
  4. H


    Looks like this will end up being my second 'brew' I will have on the go :)
  5. H

    And so it starts.....

    Cheers for the warm welcome guys! I should really proof read my posts before pressing submit :cheers:
  6. H

    And so it starts.....

    Hi all, I am just about to embark on my beer making journey! Fantastic helpful forum you have here, I am going to have a wonder down to my local Home Brew Centre in Morley for a chat about kits :) Wash me luck