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  1. TastyMcbrewski

    Bottling day help

    Thanks all for your suggestions (and hope for improvement…under an hour - nice!). Will review in more detail but on first glance Starsan seems like a quick easy win
  2. TastyMcbrewski

    Bottling day help

    Hi all Nothing good ever comes without a bit of pain, but just wondering if there is a way to minimise bottling day blues? Having just finished at >2 hours for 40 bottles, Would any of you be able to cast your eye over my process below to see if I can be a bit more efficient? - Wash all...
  3. TastyMcbrewski

    Festival kit not bubbling

    Exactly as above - I use a plastic FV and for my early brews the airlock would go crazy, the more recent ones nothing at all but all brews have come out fine. Don’t know why but assume small lack of integrity in the vessel, no negative effect though. Again as above can see the Krausen forming fine
  4. TastyMcbrewski

    Keg That Giveaway!

    West Coast IPA please :beer1:
  5. TastyMcbrewski

    The Love Brewing Trick or Treat Giveaway!

    Lucky Freedom, many thanks!
  6. TastyMcbrewski

    GEB Galaxy Pale Ale Beer Kit

    G’day all Given the choice between disciplining my uncontrollable 3 year old or leaving that to my wife and escaping into my beer cellar for a couple of hours a few weeks back, please see my review for the above beer for anyone interested: Kit contents 2 x 1.5kg of Super Premium Light...
  7. TastyMcbrewski

    Get 'Er Brewed Lupomax Citra IPA Beer Kit review

    Always enjoy your reviews cheers Ghostship. seems this is a hit? I still hold MJ juicy IPA as benchmark of excellence how does this compare (recognising it’s a different type of beer). Been out of home brewing most of this year but just put on a GEB experimental galaxy pale ale kit (birthday...
  8. TastyMcbrewski

    Win a Kit of your Choice from LoveBrewing

    Black Grouse Honey Ale would go down a treat, count me in please
  9. TastyMcbrewski

    Mangrove Jacks Juicy Session IPA imminent, priming question arising.

    I have to confess to even less patience, and tried one yesterday, a week after bottling. Faint degree of carbonation and quite a raw initial taste, but when I try my next in 3 weeks time (1 more week in warm and 2 in the cellar) i know it will be another fantastic batch.
  10. TastyMcbrewski

    Re: Festival Razorback IPA Review

    With you there. How long does bottling day take you? For c.40 x 500ml bottles I reckon it took me 2.5 hours all in (and that’s including a new rinser I just brought which was a big help)
  11. TastyMcbrewski

    Mangrove Jacks Juicy Session IPA imminent, priming question arising.

    I will be joining you in the (delicious) trenches next week as well- I’ll be bottling my MJ juicy ipa in 500ml bottles with 3g of table sugar (I did 4g last time and it was a bit too fizzy). It’s a great kit - hope you enjoy
  12. TastyMcbrewski

    Juicy Session IPA - Mangrove Jack's review

    I’ve yet to hear anyone say a bad word about it and certainly for me it has been my favourite kit. do we think this is due to the mango extract/flavouring masking any off flavours us home brewers can sometimes create. Is it a very forgiving kit or am I underplaying the fact it is just a great kit?
  13. TastyMcbrewski

    Juicy Session IPA - Mangrove Jack's review

    Hi Ghostship Good review! Glad you enjoyed, I have absolutely loved mine (have already ordered another, this time with MJ lme rather than beer enhancer). Out of interest (as it seems our recent brewing paths have been similar), how did you find this compared to beerworks Sierra presidents ipa...
  14. TastyMcbrewski

    GEB Experimental Kits

    I have spied them as well and almost took the plunge but went for MJ juicy ipa (which was/is excellent). Will be interested to hear if anyone has tried them (especially the NEIPA).
  15. TastyMcbrewski

    Mangrove Jack's Brewer's Series Golden Ale

    Looks great - lovely colour and head
  16. TastyMcbrewski

    Citrus IPA <5%

    I second this - mine is already the best kit I have ever brewed and that’s even with it only being in the bottle for two weeks. It is very fruity (believe has mango extract added to it) and has 50g citra dry hop so possibly won’t be to everyone’s taste but I think it is truly superb.
  17. TastyMcbrewski

    Beerworks President's Sierra American Pale Ale review

    I certainly got the heavy malt taste - I thought I had messed up so interesting to note the above. The closest thing I could liken it to was Sam Adams lager - not unpleasant but not what I was expecting.
  18. TastyMcbrewski

    Retailers "own brand" kits

    I might have misunderstood the question but Get Er Brewed have an experimental range that looks good (including an NEIPA I am keen to try)
  19. TastyMcbrewski

    Juicy Session IPA - Mangrove Jack's review

    Quick qu - Fermentation seems to have all gone to plan (smells and tastes fantastic) so I intend to bottle tomorrow. I prime each bottle (500ml) individually and was planning 4g caster sugar per bottle - anyone foresee any issues with this? (Instructions only seem to indicate amounts for...
  20. TastyMcbrewski

    Mangrove jacks juicy maybe infected.

    I have just opened my MJ juicy ipa which is day 12 and had similar looking Krausen. However Gravity is 1.012 so I was happy to put the hops in and plan to bottle on Sunday. I must say the smell (and taste from the gravity reading) was absolutely devine.