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  1. BradleyW

    Changes to the highway code.

    Something I have noticed since moving away from the UK and I think could be a factor, is that cycling as a sport isn't really that big in the UK compared to France, Italy and Spain. I live in Spain and have ridden in France and Italy and the way cars treat you as a cyclist is noticeably...
  2. BradleyW

    Changes to the highway code.

    Can you honestly you've never ran a red light, or you've never been over the speed limit or never driven when you've had "one too many"? People break rules whether they're on bikes, in cars or walking on the street, and it's precisely why a revision to the highway code is needed.
  3. BradleyW

    Changes to the highway code.

    The no obligation to use a cycle lane I find an odd one. They did the exact opposite here where I live and while initially it was a bit annoying, I'd much rather be in a bike lane away from traffic.
  4. BradleyW

    The Truth.

    The EU's freedom of movement policy is actually stricter than what the UK had. The UK govt chose to water it down. All this guff about "uncontrolled immigration" was entirely of the UK's own making.
  5. BradleyW

    No trucks, CO2 and Christmas is cancelled.

    Will there be enough bog roll though?
  6. BradleyW

    Cyclists! Can I watch the Giro free?

    You should listen to him in Spanish, he's part of a podcast. He speaks it very well but he has this daft Canarian accent which just sounds forced to me!
  7. BradleyW

    Cyclists! Can I watch the Giro free?

    The giro is on Rai I think so if you can find a way to get Italian telly you should be able to watch it.
  8. BradleyW


    After an altercation yesterday with a driver, what I can never understand is, why sooooo much anger and aggression?? It must be awful to be angry at the slightest thing, especially on a weekend morning when the sun is shining. Sad people.
  9. BradleyW

    Show us your Pushbikes

    Let me know if you head over, I can give you some suggestions for routes if you like.
  10. BradleyW

    Show us your Pushbikes

    At least they spelt they're correctly 😂
  11. BradleyW

    Show us your Pushbikes

    Haven't ridden the Madelaine. But you're right sometimes the less well known climbs are more enjoyable, less cars and traffic in general. I'm probably biased but that's why I think Spain is the best for riding, much less traffic on the big climbs. If you ever get chance to visit Asturias I...
  12. BradleyW

    Show us your Pushbikes

    Peak District you say??? I'm a Buxton lad originally! 😃😃 Some great riding round there! What's been your favourite big mountains then?
  13. BradleyW

    Show us your Pushbikes

    Only road. At the moment I'm doing 80-100km a week with a bit on the trainer too. Pre covid/fatherhood times I was probably doing double that. Mainly ride in central Spain (pretty flat) with the odd jaunt to the mountains down south. Again pre covid, me and my mate's would do a week's cycling in...
  14. BradleyW

    Show us your Pushbikes

    Can't believe I've only just seen this thread! Love me a bit of cycling! Just to confirm no I'm not sir Wiggo, Bradley is my surname 😂 This is my pride and joy Got it back in 2013 after my first cycling trip to France. Walked straight into a bike shop and said "that one please!" Added the...
  15. BradleyW

    Keir Starmer: one year in, Labour leader's popularity has plunged

    If I was Starmer I wouldn't want to be anywhere near no. 10. Whoever is chosen to pick the pieces up after Boris has finished will have one hell of a job!
  16. BradleyW

    Overrated beers

    When I was growing up (in a small town), it had a certain foreign exotic appeal when compared to Carling or Fosters. But yeah, it's a **** beer.
  17. BradleyW

    Overrated beers

    Oooo great thread. I must say I was horribly disappointed when I tried La Chouffe, so I'll dare say that's overrated.
  18. BradleyW


    When I moved to Spain I was surprised at the difference of how drivers treat you. Obviously within the city everyone is in a rush and impatient but out in the sticks people give me loads of space or even more surprising wait till it's safe before passing me! I don't know if it's anything to do...
  19. BradleyW

    Bottling and conditioning

    Interesting stuff. Besides this forum the only brew stuff I've read is James Morton's book. He's pretty against using a secondary fermentation vessel and advises "leaving it on the yeast". Which seems to be the exact opposite of what GW says!!! All very confusing
  20. BradleyW


    Can you request to the company that they don't use parcel force in the future? I had a problem with a delivery company once when ordering some hops and the guy (very kindly) swallowed the charge of resending them and told me I could request a different delivery company next time.