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  1. Wynott


    Allegedly a favourite with a certain Secretary of State :laugh8:
  2. Wynott


    If you have any celery left, try putting it aside for a year or two. I didn't like mine Year 1, but by Year 3 it was really rather pleasant.
  3. Wynott

    Wine Blending

    On re-reading Berry, he advocates blending wines, and suggests Tea wine for this. I have made a DJ full, and am thinking of experimenting by adding to some. I would welcome suggestions as to how much to mix in, and whether it would best to decant the Tea into say, bottles to avoid spoilage...
  4. Wynott

    Back sweetening wines

    I don't want to use sweeteners. I mostly make country/fruit wines, and start them off with 2 - 2.5lbs of sugar, aiming for gravity of 0.1080 or thereabouts. When all the sugar has been used and/or the specific gravity is 0.995 (to my taste) I test it from time to time, and add small amounts of...
  5. Wynott

    House clearance homebrew!

    ...just wondering if you survived the 2017 Elderberry. I made some that year and still have a couple of bottles to open. I was a complete beginner then, so would be interested to know what yours was like.
  6. Wynott

    Medlar mead (or wine)

    Hi, just spotted this. I've made Medlar a few times now, and really like the subtle flavour. Once they're bletted, I follow CJJB's recipe: Chop the fruit, pour over 2 litres (per gallon) boiling water, stir in half the sugar, add 1 litre water. Leave till cool, add the other ingredients...
  7. Wynott


    Did you use fresh rose petals? I tried dried once, but wasn't impressed, neither the colour or the flavour really came through. I really must have a go at mead one day, that looks brilliant.
  8. Wynott

    What’s this on top of my cider?

    You might want to bear in mind that the globes on the top are the fruiting body of the mycelium underneath i.e. in the liquid. I wouldn't be tempted to drink it myself. Start again?
  9. Wynott

    Is My DemiJohn half full or half empty

    I only made a couple of kits when I started, but this is something I find I have to deal with from time to time. I've generally found that an air space of down to the shoulder is ok. Sometimes I have quite a bit more than 4.5 litres to begin with, including a lot of sediment, so I use one of...
  10. Wynott


    My first attempt at this didn't work, but I had another try last year, have just bottled it and remembered your post. I will definitely try this one again next year, a good bouquet, colour and a lasting flavour. I think my mistake the first time may have been that I left it a little late...
  11. Wynott

    Sloe wine(s) advice

    I have now tried three times to try and make a half decent sloe wine, as I like the flavour and my sloe gins have been good. First attempt was possibly the best, it was quite light in body though. Too long ago to remember much detail. Second attempt in 2020, when tasted 2021 still had that...
  12. Wynott

    Pucker wine

    I've made two batches of Sloe wine, 2020 and 2021. The taste of the former is better, but when trying either, my mouth puckers up as if I've eaten an unripe apple. More noticeable with the younger wine. They both had heavy sediment, but I removed it early on in the process. Does anyone have...
  13. Wynott

    Love Brewing New Kit Giveaway!

    Cornish Lifesavers IPA please
  14. Wynott

    Carmelite Water

    No this is singularly different ;-)
  15. Wynott

    Carmelite Water

    I know there's a 'what are you drinking tonight' thread somewhere, but just wanted to share this one on a warm evening. I used: 1/2 bottle honeysuckle wine 1/2 cup lemon balm leaves 1/2 lemon zest, grated a bit of bashed stalk of...
  16. Wynott

    Can you make Coltsfoot Tea Wine?

    Hi, thanks for this. Thinking it through, this recipe, like some others I've made (Dandelion, Marigold, etc) uses the heads of the flowers only, and what I have here is Coltsfoot Tea, which is the leaves. The flavour in the flower wines came from the petals, and you could smell it when making...
  17. Wynott

    Can you make Coltsfoot Tea Wine?

    I sent off for some dried Coltsfoot, to make wine with but made a mistake and ordered Coltsfoot Tea instead aheadbutt I have made some Tea wine previously, using ordinary tea/bags but not herbs. Does anyone know whether this might be suitable? I've got plenty of the stuff!
  18. Wynott


    I like to try and avoid it, but when a wine has been in the DJ for a year uncleared I usually resort to it. This one's due for bottling in May, so I think I will have to. Wish I could still get hold of Kwik Clear, that was the best one.
  19. Wynott


    I have a DJ on the go from last May, due for it's final racking soon. Beggar just won't clear though. I'll try to remember and keep you posted.
  20. Wynott

    Sloes go with ? Suggestions please.

    I made some Sloe & Apple Jelly with some leftovers from winemaking. It goes very well with a good cheese!