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  1. bmass96

    No beer coming from corny keg

    Cheers. I do have a flow control tap that attaches directly onto the keg itself so that'll be okay
  2. bmass96

    No beer coming from corny keg

    Ah okay then. Maybe worth a higher PSI and a bit of rolling then? The beer did have a little crap in it to be fair I think...nothing excessive though...
  3. bmass96

    No beer coming from corny keg

    Okay, cheers. I'll try hooking the gas back up and see if it makes a difference. How much PSI would you recommend per day for a minute or whatever would you recommend? We did get the tiniest little splodge out but it immediately stopped. Wondered initially if it was a blockage in the flow...
  4. bmass96

    No beer coming from corny keg

    Cheers for coming back to me. The regulator had a reading of 10 PSI before we tried we need to pull up the release valve thing? Sorry I don't know what it's called
  5. bmass96

    No beer coming from corny keg

    Hi folks, Rather excited to try my first kegged beer, til I tried pouring it and nout came out. Am I being daft? Have force carbed for a few days now as suggested (15 PSI every day for a minute or so), and tried to pour but nothing. I'm using a flow control tap. Am I supposed to have CO2...
  6. bmass96

    Corny kegging (beginner)

    That's great, cheers for your help Kevin! Fingers crossed! 🍻
  7. bmass96

    Corny kegging (beginner)

    Cool, sounds good thanks. The process of gassing the keg and leaving it in the fridge disconnected sounds good. So what sorta PSI would you use to pump it up? So the Brewers Friend calculator, for example, says if it was staying in the fridge all connected up that approx. 8 PSI would be good...
  8. bmass96

    Corny kegging (beginner)

    Hi all. I'm kegging a beer for the first time this weekend. A 4.7% El Dorado and Mosaic pale! I've done as much research about kegging to get me to a point where I'm comfortable with what I'm doing, however naturally a couple questions. Do you *need* to put a corny keg in the fridge? If...
  9. bmass96

    Residual smell in FV

    Cheers! acheers.
  10. bmass96

    Residual smell in FV

    Fair enough! I'd get a new one but I'm a little reluctant to as it was my first brew in it lol. It won't cause infection is my...well, not worry but yeah
  11. bmass96

    Residual smell in FV

    Hi everyone, I brewed a coconut stout on 14th June (was a big success) and am now looking to do my first kegged homebrew, for which I still have no idea how to use it. Anyway, my FV has like a bit of a leftover and very very subtle coconutty smell. My FV is just a plastic bucket. I usually...
  12. bmass96

    Dessicated coconut

    Ah okay. My grain bill has chocolate malt, best pale malt, carafa special malt and medium crystal malt
  13. bmass96

    Dessicated coconut

    This is the packet...can't see oil so I'll just crack on? 😂
  14. bmass96

    Dessicated coconut

    😂 😂 😂
  15. bmass96

    Dessicated coconut

    What would you suggest to avoid losing the head?
  16. bmass96

    Dessicated coconut

    Afternoon everyone! I've got my first stout in primary and I'm due to add (my first ever adjunct) coconut on Friday, looking to bottle Sunday. Roughly following another recipe. I could only get dessicated coconut, not flaked and I didn't want to use purée. That won't be an issue, will it...
  17. bmass96

    New kettle needed? (BIAB)

    Cheers! Yeah, been thinking of 30L. Will take a look
  18. bmass96

    New kettle needed? (BIAB)

    Hi folks, So I've been BIAB for a bit now and I worry if my 20L kettle is scorched or scratched too much at the bottom, beyond repair. What do you guys think? I've attached an image. In my earlier days I would scrub and scrub with a scour (or however you spell it), which I know now is a...
  19. bmass96

    Kegging (10L) for beginners

    Same here. Although I'm rethinking a 10L as there's no way it'd fit in my fridge at home. I live with my parents too so doubt they'd approve of me rearranging too much 😂