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  1. svenito

    The Love Brewing Trick or Treat Giveaway!

    Lucky Freedom APA please🤞
  2. svenito

    First all grain brew

    Now that you mention it, that is correct. There's probably not much time saving between the two, in fact, bringing sparge to temp during the mash will save you more time. I redact my above statement about saving time as being a complete flight of fancy on my part. Thanks Horners for correcting me
  3. svenito

    First all grain brew

    I recently got a Brew Monk and in the process sold my mashtun and boiler I had before. So I researched cold sparge and people are getting equally good results with a room temp sparge compared to a heated sparge (75C). Going to try this for my next brew and report back. So not having to heat the...
  4. svenito

    What is the best beer you have brewed

    My favourite so far was my Milk Stout. Number two goes to a Hefeweizen I brewed last year. And third place to an elderflower saison All all grain brews.
  5. svenito

    First all grain brew

    Welcome to AG brewing and congrats on getting the grainfather. As above, plenty of advice to look around, but for me, the biggest unexpected thing was the time it takes. 1 hour mash + 1 hour boil = 8 hour brew day I wasn't prepared for this on my first all grain brew day, so figured it'd be...
  6. svenito

    So, What Did Santa Bring?

    A 30l Brew monk. Sold my cooler mashtun and Peco boiler, so now I have more room, and hopefully a simpler brewday - have yet to use it
  7. svenito

    who started "homebrew wednesday videos"

    That's new info to me. I guess it makes sense. Brew on the weekend and give yourself a few days to edit and publish the video. Not a bad idea, will remember that if I get a channel going
  8. svenito

    Brew Day Records

    I use Brewersfriend and they have a good printable brewday sheet that I use. I fill those in before a brew, and then add the rest of the information during the brew. Afterwards I write tasking and fermentation notes on it too. They all get stored...
  9. svenito

    Lager priming - should I add yeast?

    Planning to brew next month, I'll be sure to report back. Pitching two packets of dried yeast (11.5g). On non-lagers I usually pitch one packet, and cold condition, and get good carbonation. So I shall see what happens
  10. svenito

    Lager priming - should I add yeast?

    Thanks for all the replies. I'll go without yeast then.
  11. svenito

    Lager priming - should I add yeast?

    Did you just add another pack of dried yeast to the bottling bucket? Or a lesser amount?
  12. svenito

    Lager priming - should I add yeast?

    Thanks MrL73 - I'm imagining that by transporting the FV I'll kick up some yeast. I'll give it a go without extra yeast then.
  13. svenito

    Lager priming - should I add yeast?

    I'm planning to brew my first lager (Pilsner) in the next few weeks and as with anything new, I've come up with some questions. I've looked and searched on the forums and elsewhere and there's a common suggestion to add some yeast before batch priming a lager. I've never had any issues before...
  14. svenito

    Wheat Beer - not quit on the Mark

    Crystal clear? That is unusual even for a regular home brew. Did you cold condition, or fine it? Did you use Whirfloc in the boil? What percentage wheat did you use? What was the batch size? Could it be that the priming sugar wasn't mixed in properly, resulting in some beers being flat? What...
  15. svenito

    brew-tools - Tools for the homebrewer's command line

    A little while back I posted this in /r/homebrewing and thought I would also share here. I made a little command line tool in Python 3 for homebrewers who want quick access to some common calculators via the commandline. Understandably not for the majority of people, but there are a few out...
  16. svenito

    Tesco Ashbeck, how much added gypsum ??

    Thanks Steve for clarifying that, good to know for myself too
  17. svenito

    Tesco Ashbeck, how much added gypsum ??

    You can add it to either one, or both, as long as your total matches your target for the total volume of water. That's how I understand it. I've even seen people add their flavour salts in the kettle. Bear in mind that adjusting mash water needs to take the grist into account, whereas the...
  18. svenito

    Elderflower saison

    These malts were from geterbrewed, but I also shop at the malt miller. I use brewersfriend for everything. Water profile for this was
  19. svenito

    Elderflower saison

    Off on hols, so won't make the entry I'm afraid, but hopefully another competition one day
  20. svenito

    Elderflower saison

    Haha, that exactly what my friend said too :)