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  1. Z

    Quicka and Easy Lager kit?

    Hello, I have a Coopers European Lager on the go, but that needs 12 weeks in bottels, and sadly I am an impatient drinker! I want to try something else that will be ready to drink before then. Can anyone recommend a Lager that doesn't take long in the bottles before it's ready? Cheers, Joe
  2. Z

    Coopers European Lager Bottled @ 1.035

    It was the Coopers European Lager. And temperature wise it would have been 20-21 C. But this shouldn't matter too much as Refractometers have Automatic Temperature Control. In fact.. Thinking about this, as Hydrometer's are temperature sensitive then maybe I need to find a conversion rate to...
  3. Z

    Coopers European Lager Bottled @ 1.035

    Hello all, I have possibly made a big mistake! I have followed the instructions for my beer and after 7 days took measurements on 2 consecutive days and both days got a steady 1.035. The instructions did not give me a 'target' measurement so I bottled it. I have since been reading on forums...
  4. Z

    My first time making beer, and I didn't get instructions!!

    That's brilliant, thank-you!! One other slightly separate question, in this guide and other places I read they talk about an airlock for the fermenter. In the kit I was given it is a simple large plastic tub with a lid and rubber seal. Is this a problem? Do I do anything differently? Cheers.
  5. Z

    My first time making beer, and I didn't get instructions!!

    Hello! I am totally new to this, I got given a beer making starter kit and want to get into it, but opened it all up to investigate where to start today and could not find any instructions at all!! It is a Cooper European Lager tin I have which says the instructions are under the lid, but on...