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  1. Lawrence22

    Happy new year.

    Happy new year all. More to the point good riddance to 2020.
  2. Lawrence22

    What are you drinking tonight 2020.

    Wife brought me in a couple of bottles of Blue moon, so I'll kick the night off with those.
  3. Lawrence22

    Show us you internet speed.

    My house is very close to the bt junction box and I am on BT 900. Nearly always over 450 occassionly drops to 300.
  4. Lawrence22

    Boots Homebrew

    I still have my fermenting bucket from around 93. Been using it to do water changes in my fish tank for the last 10 years so it will never see beer again.
  5. Lawrence22

    Show us you internet speed.

    Quite good here with BT
  6. Lawrence22

    What have you been smoking on bbq?

    Not smoked one yet but have just roasted a crown on BBQ a few times and came out fine. There are quite a few videos on line of turkey smoking usually from Americans around thanksgiving. A lot of them Brine the Turkey overnight or inject it with stock before smoking.
  7. Lawrence22

    New car delay

    They have offered me a loan of a car if I need one meantime, which I don’t.
  8. Lawrence22

    New car delay

    They insist they can’t and that their hands are tied.
  9. Lawrence22

    New car delay

    I have ordered a new car from early October. It arrived at the dealers on Wednesday. Initially I have been told that my car has been embargo'd, this is due to necessary changes the DVLA have to make for January 1 due to Brexit. DVLA are not registering any new cars from 24th Dec until 4th Jan...
  10. Lawrence22

    Conflicting Instructions

    14g even for a 1.038 O.G. is probably borderline for a lager but that wouldn't surprise me with some kits.
  11. Lawrence22

    Conflicting Instructions

    You often pitch a yeast at a slightly higher temperature than you ferment it at. So this may be a genuine lager yeast. Probably best to mail the manufacturer of the kit though to be sure.
  12. Lawrence22

    Covid-19 the second wave.

    Hearing lots of rumours myself. My son is only 7 (Very late starter) and is an only child, I do worry about the long term effect on him but he seems to take it all in his stride. He is already FaceTiming his school friends on a regular basis. It is amazing how they adapt.
  13. Lawrence22

    Covid-19 the second wave.

    6 weeks of lockdown here from Boxing day apparently. Roll on Brewanuary.
  14. Lawrence22

    What are you drinking tonight 2020.

    A couple of Trappiste 10 and this
  15. Lawrence22

    What can you buy that's made in Britain

    Quite a few musical instruments hand crafted here.
  16. Lawrence22

    Positive only thread.

    Mercedes GLC
  17. Lawrence22

    Positive only thread.

    The new car I have ordered is now at the dealers. I may get it before Xmas.:cool:
  18. Lawrence22

    Would you still vote for Brexit?

    Been trying to figure this out for myself for a while. As a NI resident with an Irish Passport ( My wifes is British) who owns a property in Spain. Will I be treated as an EU or British citizen???
  19. Lawrence22

    What are you drinking tonight 2020.

    Starting off this evening with a Mr President.