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  1. Tuizner

    Equipment For Sale SS Brewtech Chronical 7 Gallon

    Downsizing so only need one fermenter and this one to go. All good bar the silicone feet need replacing. New ones are available at 10 dollars. I will 3D print some for now to make sure it doesn't scratch floors Supplied in original box so can be posted at cost. Not sure what these are going...
  2. Tuizner

    Equipment For Sale another 6bbl auction - lots of (big) bits in leicester Framework Brewery Limited
  3. Tuizner

    So who's growing chillies 2022?

    fruiting nicely : padron, jalapeno, banana, tabasco, chocolate, anaheim, not fruiting : scotch bonnet All outdoor as I dont have a greenhouse :(
  4. Tuizner

    8bbl microbrewery for auction in Yorkshire...

    Nowt to do with me but came up on our company emali system... closes tomorrow.....
  5. Tuizner

    Brew Monk Magnus 45L - an unofficial review

    Yes - just seen that is a deposit only. You would have to pay another 195 euros in January! Final price is 395 ACCONTO PREVENDITA - ATTENZIONE LE MACCHINE ARRIVERANNO A INIZIO GENNAIO 2021 - PREZZO FINALE €395,00 LEGGERE LE CONDIZIONI PRIMA DI EFFETTUARE L'ACQUISTO: -Acquistando questa...
  6. Tuizner

    Brew Monk Magnus 45L - an unofficial review
  7. Tuizner

    Show us your Pushbikes

    Excuse the mess Dining room come bike store come brewery store come woodwork centre. My little used Ridley. Not quite as fast as yours but Pleasant on smooth tarmac X then there’s the insurance replacement For my old orange p7 nicked from a shed in west bridgford 17 years ago -...
  8. Tuizner

    Robobrew vs Hopcat

    Am up at about 20 robobrews now Only issue is with hops blocking the pump flow on chiller. Alleviated easily with a spider.
  9. Tuizner

    How to calculate the amount of harvest yeast into next batch?

    So..... the batch with the mix of CML dried plus harvested yeast plodded on for 8 days and finished as expected at 1018 And tastes fine. the batch with the larger amount of harvested yeast went much faster but failed on me at day3. Stuck. Had to make a starter with whatever I had around -...
  10. Tuizner

    Robobrew vs Hopcat

    Have a 35l robobrew and think it’s great. It has replaced my regular setup. It has a 6 step time-temp memory.
  11. Tuizner

    How to calculate the amount of harvest yeast into next batch?

    I am currently trialling a harvested batch in a Belgian tripel. Harvested and washed (preboiled and cooled water) MJ M47 (i know its a dried yeast but from it comes liquid...). I try to tip off the yeast from the trub from one jar to another. The end result was 160g of yeast/water of a...
  12. Tuizner

    Water treatment for beer kits

    Ahhhh! Read two pages of comments and waiting for the all important results ....... it must be ready to drink by now !
  13. Tuizner

    How many litres of home brew 2019.

    22L HBC Blonde. 8594 L
  14. Tuizner

    How many litres of home brew 2019.

    18L Brewferm Diabolo. 6036L
  15. Tuizner

    How many litres of home brew 2019.

    Clues in the name?
  16. Tuizner

    Brewferm carbonation

    I use 3g per 330ml bottle for most Belgians including brewferm. Would be 81 g then for the 9L kit
  17. Tuizner

    sterilising glass beer bottles

    I rinse my bottles after pouring. On bottling day in the dishwasher on any old programme th3n star san on a tree. No issues in 24 brews.
  18. Tuizner

    How many litres of home brew 2019.

    22L Gallia 2530 L
  19. Tuizner

    Advice please on a minor upgrade

    I use a 3kW induction hob on my copper. You need to ensure though that your copper isnt copper and is induction compatible. 3kW easily handles a 28L boil
  20. Tuizner

    How many litres of home brew 2019.

    10L Castle Maltings Golden Strong Total 2485 L