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  1. R

    From GW Black Sheep Riggwelter

    What sort of burner are you guy's using? any chance of a close up picture? I'm heading in the same direction I think :thumb:
  2. R

    corney set up question

    Have a look for "the Harmony Hut" on E bay shops, he sold me a pair of 5/16" - 3/8" adaptors to fit my dalex tap. if he doesn't have any advertised it's worth sending him a message to see if he's got any in stock. They only cost me £1.30 :D Hope that helps. Russ :thumb:
  3. R

    AG No. 3 Timothy Taylor Landlord Clone

    He He :lol: the tank insulation is great isn't it, So the TTL finished at 1010 4.2% or there abouts. It's bottled up and conditioning as we speak :thumb: I had a sneaky taste and despite being very green it wasn't a million miles off the original! Can't wait for it be ready :party: I'm...
  4. R

    AG No. 3 Timothy Taylor Landlord Clone

    there's a few bankers who should be having porridge ;)
  5. R

    AG No. 3 Timothy Taylor Landlord Clone

    If more people had weetabix in the morning, we might not be in this credit crisis! :D
  6. R

    AG No. 3 Timothy Taylor Landlord Clone

    Cheers guy's, I was a bit sceptical of the black malt but it seems to have got the colour pretty close :D
  7. R

    AG No. 3 Timothy Taylor Landlord Clone

    Today I'm trying out a Graham Wheeler Timothy Taylor Landlord Recipe. :thumb: Recipe: brew length 23l 4250g Golden Primrose pale malt 30g black malt Hops at start of boil 30g Goldings 30g Styrian Goldings Last 10 mins 20 g Styrian Goldings 1 tsp Irish moss Flame out 20g Styrian...
  8. R

    New Graham Wheeler

    It's the third edition, so a revamp. It's got a lot of new recipes in and has been "modernised" somewhat. Useful for the recipes alone for me, It's got some corkers such as Timothy Taylor Landlord, Black Sheep ale and Adnams Broadside :thumb:
  9. R

    bottle sanitation

    I've ordered the Videne from my local boots, cheers BS :thumb: Can you use it to sanitise cornies as well?
  10. R

    New Graham Wheeler

    The shop i got it from have sponsored the book and they only got it in today. It cost me a couple of quid more than Amazon's price but at least my LHBS get a few quid instead of amazon. :D. Apparantly GW is going to be there soon to sign some copies- if you like that sort of thing ;)
  11. R

    New Graham Wheeler

    Just got my copy from my local home brew shop in Aldershot. Looks pretty useful. :thumb:
  12. R

    bottle sanitation

    WooHoo- no more boiling, waiting, rinsing :thumb: That is music to my ears, Cheers BS :grin:
  13. R

    bottle sanitation

    Evening all, can you tell me if after sanitising you bottles, you rinse with cold tap water or cooled, pre-boiled water? I'm sure I read somewhere that using un-boiled water was a sure fire way of infecting your brew. I've got to say I'm getting mighty bored with waiting for my water to boil...
  14. R

    Timothy Taylor Landlord

    So, how did it go Kev? did you get the recipe? have you brewed it yet? I'm keen to give this a go myself, it's a great beer
  15. R

    What diameter beer/gas line on your corny?

    Thanks AT, they look like a very good supplier. :thumb: So what's the difference? Are there benefits to the 3/8" over the 5/16"? I've read that the 5/16" line is less likely to give you excess foam when you dispense. Have you experience of this? Out of interest which one do you use? Thanks...
  16. R

    What diameter beer/gas line on your corny?

    what diameter gas and beer line are people using on their cornies? I've read various threads with 3/8", 5/16" 1/2" ID 1/2" OD etc etc.... :wha: Is there an optimum size for all beers or do different styles need different lines? Help me please :pray:
  17. R

    Priming sugar- how much?

    Thats exactly what I needed! :thumb:
  18. R

    Priming sugar- how much?

    Happy new year! I hope everyone had a good night supping your brew's :D Unfortunately I was working :cry: Thanks for the link Aleman, that's a great tool! The only thing is i'm not sure how the Volumes of Co2 equates to the style of beer. How many volumes of Co2 would an average English Ale...
  19. R

    changing O.G

    Thanks Parva, sorry for being so dumb, it will obviously have to be pre boiled liquor then right? I'll have to get more sorted for next time and boil up some extra in case I get it wrong again! :oops:
  20. R

    changing O.G

    Thanks Aleman :thumb: At what point would you add the extra volume?