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  1. P

    First brew, vinegar smell in my mead

    You have been most helpful. My gratitude sir
  2. P

    First brew, vinegar smell in my mead

    Vinegar smell has improved massively, bubbling every 8-10 seconds. Should I rack it now? There is a thick sediment on the bottom now and I don't want it to spoil the flavour.
  3. P

    First brew, vinegar smell in my mead

    Mead vinegar???? Sounds intriguing :D thank you all
  4. P

    First brew, vinegar smell in my mead

    I've just taken hydrometer reading and tasted it, reading at 1.021 so that makes it just over 12%, tastes not as bad as it smells, still got a nice sweetness to it but still more acidic than I'd like. It's all a learning curve for me. I'm going to rack to a clean DJ later today anyway so i...
  5. P

    First brew, vinegar smell in my mead

    So for my first brew I went straight in for a gallon of 100% buckwheat mead. It's been fermenting nicely for one week now but when I remove the airlock I get a vinegary smell. Is this bad or normal? I sanitised everything I've used. I had a starting gravity of 1.115 and I only used honey, water...
  6. P

    Any experienced mead brewers here please?

    Thanks for your response. When you say 2 or 3 stages, do you mean whilst mixing or a bit every day? Would you advise i mix them together (in a cup of must) before adding them to my batch or separately? How did your first batch turn out? Many thanks
  7. P

    Any experienced mead brewers here please?

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and brewing so forgive me if I appear novice. I want to brew a sweet mead but I'm slightly baffled by yeast energisers and nutrients, are these the same thing or do they compliment each other? Are they compatible with all yeasts or not? And how do i mix them together...