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  1. T

    When is it finished fermenting?

    I've got in: Apple wine Apple and Blackberry wine Wurzel's Orange Wine (after reading on here and thought would give it a go) The Apple wine is looking very slow now, its been in the DJ for about 9 days.
  2. T

    When is it finished fermenting?

    As I'm on my first brews I'm not quite sure what to look for in terms of when is it finished. I have one DJ that seems to be very slow now and wondered what is considered finished? 1 bubble per minute? 1 bubble every 5 minutes?
  3. T

    Best way to sterilise syphon tube

    Thanks for the advice guys, think I've got that one sorted now. One less thing to learn / worry about
  4. T

    Best way to sterilise syphon tube

    I was transferring some of a brew to a trial jar today using the syphon tubing (I assumed this was the best way to do it) and wondered how other people completely sterilise the tubing before use, its a pig to work with. Anybody any tips?
  5. T

    Taking hydrometer readings

    Hi guys Got my second lot on today, using apples from the garden and a load of blackberries picked locally. Its currently on it's 24 hour wait before putting in the sugar and yeast and wanted to ask a quick question (probably should have asked this before doing the first brew - oops). After...
  6. T

    Hello from Berkshire

    Hi all, thought I would say hello. I live in a village not far from Reading. I've taken the plunge into home brew largely because my wife and I bought our house 2 years ago and we're lucky enough to have a large apple tree in the garden. So, apart from the apple pies and other yummy things to do...