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  1. Toredan

    What's new in homebrew (4 years away)

    I'd probably say the following are from the last 4 years, in no particular order; NEIPAs NZ hops have got bigger and more popular Hop stands have got extremely popular, and actually changed the way I write my recipes. Pressure transfer is getting bigger, new fermentasaurus is pretty good...
  2. Toredan

    Big book of Homebrewing; Pliney the Elder

    Interesting, thanks mate. May dial down the malt a little bit then. May also change timings around a bit to reflect on how bitter everyone says it's coming out.
  3. Toredan

    Big book of Homebrewing; Pliney the Elder

    Quick query, anyone here attempt the Pliney the Elder clone from the aforementioned book? Just ordered the recipe pick 'n mix style from geterbrewed and it came to £30. This will be the most expensive beer I've brewed in my 3 years of brewing. :whistle: If you have, how did it turn out...
  4. Toredan

    1st time corny user

    This is why I just tend to suggest setting to 10 for carbing and dropping it for serving. Without having flow control in the line or on the tap anything above will be impossible to pour without getting a pint of foam.
  5. Toredan

    1st time corny user

    Do you have a regulator and co2 ready for the corny keg? If so, cold crash the FV in the fridge for 24h then rack the beer into the corny. Attach your gas line and set pressure to 10 PSI. Purge the corny of remaining o2 by pulling the valve and letting the co2 push it out. Leave in fridge and...
  6. Toredan

    Cheap regulators?

    Folks, so I dropped my regulator and the non-return screw-in bit snapped off. Lesson learned, I've got the canister on a chain now. However, I need a new reg. See quite a few on the bay but I don't want to wait for them to come from China. Anyone got a good recommendation for a cheap-ish...
  7. Toredan

    First All Grain Brew: Mr Simcoe
  8. Toredan

    The crossmyloof brewery yeast

    Literally just kegged a mild I brewed using the British ale yeast and my first thought was, "Boy is that malty!" :D So spot on as usual mate.
  9. Toredan

    Belgian Candi sugar

    Guessing golden syrup :thumb:
  10. Toredan

    First All Grain Brew: Mr Simcoe

    wonder how much bitterness you'll get from the 150 dry hop, recipe sounds great though!
  11. Toredan

    Grainfather - steeping hops

    could you not just drop a hop spider in 10 minutes before the end of boil to sterilize and steep hops in that once boil had ended? route output back through spider? :)
  12. Toredan

    Home brew twang

    Yeah, to mirror everyone's experience here; Canned kits - always had it with the exception of Cwtch. However, I know the supplier had issues keeping up with the demand of cwtch so the canned malt extract was really fresh. All grain - never yet had it and have been doing AG for awhile. That...
  13. Toredan

    Toredan's Brew Journal

    This was put into a corny keg after 10 days in the FV. Roll on 7 days and here it is! Tastes great, not as hoppy as I would have liked so next time I'll for sure dry hop. I can taste an initial hop flavor but there is zero hop aroma. However that being said it is super chocolaty. Getting loads...
  14. Toredan

    BIAB and batch sparge

    I tend to mash in my boiler and then dunk sparge the grain bag in a secondary pot. Usually leave this for 10 minutes and even give the grain a good stir before adding that water to the boil.
  15. Toredan

    Have a go at simple AG

    Awesome! got a recipe sorted yet? I often do 5L batches on the stove to test recipes before I waste time/materials for a 20L brew. I use the Buckingham 8L pot from Amazon. It's great but thin, really need to wrap it up to stop mash temp from dropping.
  16. Toredan

    New to Brewing - Jumping in with a Grainfather

    Wow, jumping straight in with a Grainfather! If you don't have any previous brewing experience I would HEAVILY recommend the Greg Hughes book Home Brew Beer. It has a decent intro and lists a good collection of recipes in easy-to-read format. How dedicated are you though to the grainfather...
  17. Toredan

    vwp and cleaning

    is the FV plastic or glass? If it's plastic mate just replace it. £10 for a new bucket is worth it vs. wasting grain/hops or a kit and finding out in a few weeks it is infected again. :( If it's glass, bleach it or cook it. I've really gone off VWP. I used it to start and rinsed like normal...
  18. Toredan

    Cool box mash tun

    This looks back in stock. That being said, I'd be disappointed if I got it and it was just uninsulated plastic. Heard people drilling holes in these and filling them with expanding foam but I'm unsure if I could really be arsed doing that. :lol:
  19. Toredan

    New Liquid Yeast - Fermentum Mobile - 20% off

    Page no longer seems to work? Got a bit of confidence up washing yeasts from previous batches and wanted to get a few liquids soon :)
  20. Toredan

    Grainfather shock

    I keep flitting between the idea of getting a GF or not. My kit needs heavily updating as I'm still using a plastic pico bucket. The only thing that doesn't sell it for me is that most of my brewing is done in small batches. I almost never brew big 21L batches anymore. Takes me too long to go...