Can anybody recommend me a christmas beer kit? Looking to get one on this month in plenty of time for christmas.
I was thinking of doubling up on the brewferm winter ale but not sure.
I am already near the end of my first batch but have mistakenly put much more sugar in this time. Hoping it doesn't alter the taste too much as it is bloody lovely.
Put this mj kit on last night and thought I had brewed it the same as the last time I did it. Only just realised that instead of 600gr of sugar, I dumped just over 1kg in. Anybody done similar, and if so what was it like?
Mine will be going on in the next day or 2. Decided to buy some of the yeast that comes I the mangrove jacks craft cider kits and that arrived yesterday. Also going to use the mangrove jacks cider enhancer instead of sugar.
It's only the mj cider kits I use and to be honest they have been very good I think. I'm not a larger drinker so has to be cider for me. Think I'll give it a go. At the end of it I'll still have a drinkable cider so not alot to lose I suppose.