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  1. B

    New user of 4.5 gallon casks - hints tips?

    Hi all, I've been using Corny Kegs, and 5L re-used mini-kegs, and so am pretty comfortable with their use. I've just bought my first 4.5 gallon cask.... And so wondered what experiences others have had with similar, and what additional items I need to buy. Any thoughts greatly appreciated!
  2. B

    CO2 YOU - anyone bought their 60l cylinders?

    Thanks for this. Yeah I know about the inversion side of things, and will probably just create a rack to place the full canister upside down into. Has anyone bought these particular canisters? and know whether they do refill simply enough?
  3. B

    CO2 YOU - anyone bought their 60l cylinders?

    Hi all, I am probably going to buy a new 10L mini keg set up from BrewKegTap that comes with the sodastream c02 adapter..... and have also been looking at sodastream bottles (or versions of), and came across the "CO2 YOU" bottles on Amazon.... which don't have an anti refill valve.... so that...
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    Cold Crash - lifting out of fridge vs raising fridge

    Hey everyone..... thanks ever so much for all the great responses here.... really helpful! I've got a 'normal' fridge, and may copy the plinth idea.... but also just found a large tall fridge locally, which I think might get 2 buckets in it.... so I might get very cunning, and therefore the...
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    Cold Crash - lifting out of fridge vs raising fridge

    Hi all, Just a quick one really.... I am going to cold crash for the first time in a spare fridge I have.... should have done it ages ago really. So, the question is this.... the fridge is an under counter one..... so should I.... a) Create a plinth to put the fridge on, so that I can drain...
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    Corny Kegs - fitment and additions, where to buy

    Thanks David, have ordered as you suggested below.... looking forward to receiving the parts and seeing how it all works out!
  7. B

    Corny Kegs - fitment and additions, where to buy

    Thanks both, really appreciate the info and advice. Gas wise I have emailed a couple of places now after finding them via the HobbyWeld website, so thanks for that recommendation. Good point on what set up I want. Currently I have a 100ltr 3 pot kit that I bought from Powell many years ago...
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    Corny Kegs - fitment and additions, where to buy

    Hi all, I know there are a number of posts around Corny Kegs, but hopefully you don't mind me posting about the same/similar subject. I have 2 Corny Kegs (can't remember where I got them from now, it was years ago, and then I stopped home brewing before using them), and am now brewing a...
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    Picking my hops - now? anyone know what they are by sight?

    Hi all, This year my hedge has grown a lot of wild hops...... fantastic. I dont know what they are, so have added a couple of pictures.... anyone know what they are? Also on some of the plants you can see some are going brown..... have I left it too late? Thanks Ben
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    Cornelius Maxi 310 - remove recirc?

    Hi there, My Cornelius Maxi 310 was missing its 'flow' pipe out the back.... and I have a spare. However I dont see how it is possible for me to try and reconnect the internal flexi hose.... there just isnt enough space and I dont want to take the whole unit apart for fear of creating more...
  11. B

    Cornelius Maxi 310 - flow/return problem

    Hi all, So I have a Cornelius Maxi 310 in what looks to be pristine condition, and I used it briefly and it works great..... with a problem. When I got it delivered (it was an ebay purchase) I noticed it was missing the 'Flow' pipe...... I had an old Cornelius Maxi 210 and so simply took out...