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  1. woolley2002

    Equipment For Sale Various Brew Item's for sale

    Hi All, I am looking to sell my remaining brew equipment either as a job lot or happy to sell separately. I have not listed to prices against items as I am open to sensible offers. Items for sale as follows: 1- Fermentation Fridge - Fridge is grey Hotpoint standing 1.5m high. Including is...
  2. woolley2002

    Ingredients For Sale Free Grain

    I have various amounts of uncrushed grain most of which is past its best before date. Some of grain as follows bit not everything listed. 15kg Munich Malt 15kg Simpson golden promise 10kg Muntons Maris Otter 2kg Vienna 4kg Beech smoked Barley 1kg Crystal Malt Various other grain as well...
  3. woolley2002

    Brewdevil PCB Replacement

    Hi All, Looking for some help if possible. I need to replace my PCB and display unit on my Brewdevil version 1. I have the replacement PCB and display but was wondering if anyone has any helpfully guides or best way to remove the old units and fit the new parts. Any help appreciated.
  4. woolley2002

    Flashing /Blank Screen - Brewdevil

    Hi All, I was 5 mins into mashing in on my Arsengan Easybrew 30l (believe these are the same machines as brewmonk and Brewdevil) and the screen started to flicker and beep and now the screen is completely blank and won't do anything. Has anyone had this before and know what the problem maybe...
  5. woolley2002

    Hoppy Session Pale Ale

    Can anyone suggest or recommend a hoppy session pale ale at about 4 to 5% Using either citra and Mosaic hop combo or citra cascade combo
  6. woolley2002

    Burnt Mill Green Path & Pintle

    Anyone got the recipe for a clone for either green path or pintle brewed by Burnt Mill brewery in suffolk?
  7. woolley2002

    Grain Mill

    Looking into buying a grain mill, can anyone recommend one that they use or what to look for when buying one ie 2 roller or 3 roller.
  8. woolley2002

    Carbonation Calculator Temp

    Hi All, I will shortly be bottling my next all grain beer and normally use an online calculator to work out how much sugar to use for priming. When using an online calculator it asks for temperature, as I have cold crashed my beer do I input the cold crash temp or what temp it was fermenting...
  9. woolley2002

    Recipe Inspiration Needed

    Hi Fellow Brewers, I am relatively new to All grain brewing (4 so far) and I am looking for some recipe Inspiration for my next brew which will be done over the xmas/new year break. Beers that I generally like are: American IPA English IPA APA Amber Ale English Bitter Commercial beers...
  10. woolley2002

    Ghostship & Southwold

    Hi All Can anyone give me a good clone recipe for Adnams Southwold bitter and Ghostship?
  11. woolley2002

    High Final Gravity

    Have just done my first All grain brew and after 2 weeks in the fermentation bucket my final gravity is very high. Can anyone explain what may have caused this? I brewed a Pale Ale 23ltr OG - 1046 Ferm Temp 20 Deg Started on 3rd April Dry hops added 14/4 Final gravity taken today 18/4 1022...
  12. woolley2002

    First All Grain Brew Questions

    Hi All, I am after a little help with my first all grain brew which will take place this weekend. Question 1 I am using a Brewdevil when it comes to sparge process do I lift the malt pipe up and rest 3 ledges, then slowly pour water from hot water boiler on top of the grain bed using a jug...
  13. woolley2002

    All Grain Recipe for Newbie

    Hi All, I am just starting out on my All Grain journey using an all in one system and I am looking for some help with recipes. I have recently won a competition where I receive free grain, hops and yeast for 12 brews. Having not done any all grain brews I was wondering if anyone would be...
  14. woolley2002

    Recipe for Newbie

    Hi All, I am just starting out on my All Grain journey using an all in one system and I am looking for some help with recipes. I have recently won a competition where I receive free grain, hops and yeast for 12 brews. Having not done any all grain brews I was wondering if anyone would be...
  15. woolley2002

    Brew Day Log Sheet

    Hi, I will soon be starting my All Grain brewing journey and would like to know if anyone has a guide/instructions/step by step to a brew day using an all in one system? I am also looking for a printable brew day log sheet where I cna record info during the brew.
  16. woolley2002

    Digital Scales

    Looking for recommendations for digital scales up to 10kg for measuring grain.
  17. woolley2002

    Digital Thermometer

    Looking for recommendations for a digital thermometer, don't want to spend loads as only now getting into All Grain Brewing.
  18. woolley2002

    Wanted Water Boiler

    Looking for a water boiler / tea urn to use for my sparge water. Ideally 20l or bigger, located either West Suffolk or East Cambridgeshire or happy to pay postage.
  19. woolley2002

    Sparge Arm

    Can you buy a sparge arm that will connect to HLT (in my case a water boiler /tea urn) so I can sparge my grain in my All in one system? If there isn't anything suitable to do this has anyone made one and would be willing to share info/pictures so I can make one.
  20. woolley2002

    Tap on Water Urn - Replacement

    Hi, Has anyone changed the tap on a standard water urn to one of the taps shown in the picture? If you have how easy was it, and what did you use to form a good seal so there was no leaks. Thinking this would make sparge process easier as you can fit tube to the tap.