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  1. keith1664

    Norwich Brewing Club

    We will be having our first meeting on Thursday the 24th of April in the downstairs room at The Ribs of Beef, Wensum Street, Norwich. Start gathering from 7.30 for an 8pm start. Absolutely all ages and abilities are welcome. Please pm or email me if you'd like to come along or need more...
  2. keith1664

    Ever feel that the beer Gods have it in for you?

    Thursday night one of the kegerator taps decides to spring a leak and dumps a full keg of beer on the garage floor, it then dumped a 3 week old bottle of gas to atmosphere. Tonight I'm prepping a starter for a wheat beer and there's an ominous crack and fizzing noise from my conical. I turned...
  3. keith1664

    American Red

    All ready to mash in when I go to bed 40l batch 6kg pale malt 1.2kg crystal 400g wheat malt 80g carafa 3 Hop schedule is yet to be confirmed but will have chinook, citra and cascade. And as an experiment I'm posting this using tapatalk.
  4. keith1664

    Fantasy Football

    (un)fortunately they're a little less PC in Eastern Europe, so Spain vs Italy goes to penalties.... ****
  5. keith1664


    Just chucked a starter down the sink 'cos it smelt off..... complete with stirbar! doh :nono:
  6. keith1664

    Nigella talks dirty.

    Don't watch this if you're a) prudish b) fancy Nigella and have a dodgy ticker
  7. keith1664

    Some advice on my first AG lager please

    Like it says I'm intending to brew my first lager Monday and there are a few things I'd like your thoughts on. I'm not intending any particular style, this is after all homebrew and we can brew what we like. But I have some NZ Motueka hops which supposedly make a nice lager. Which leads me to...
  8. keith1664

    My Crabbies clone

    I made this last december and finally got around to sampling it! :o recipe as follows. 800g dark soft sugar 500g white sugar 450g honey 200g root ginger - grated 340g jar of stem ginger in syrup - syrup and all juice and zest of 4 oranges and 2 lemons 3 cinnamon sticks 1 grated nutmeg 2...
  9. keith1664

    Nowt like a good Christmas Carol ... ture=share Happy Christmas everyone :cheers:
  10. keith1664

    Advice on a more adventurous brew please.

    Having run out of cornie space I'm contemplating doing a brew Monday which will be bottled :o Hence I'm contemplating something a little more adventurous than my usual Pales. A RIS and something like Robinsons Old Tom are under consideration but I've tried a few Belgians and have found that I...
  11. keith1664

    The only problem with liking yer hops.... placing a £50 order! :o Never mind, there's 1.5kg on the way :D 2x Motueka Hops - 100g for £3.39 each 1x Mount Hood Hops - 100g for £2.35 each 2x Magnum Hops - 100g for £1.86 each 2x Riwaka Hops - 100g for £3.60 each 1x Tettnanger (German) Hops - 100g for £2.44 each 1x Perle...
  12. keith1664

    Almost an anniversary brew. Chilumbus AIPA.

    October 6th last year was the day I made my 4th and last kit brew, deciding I wanted to be more involved than tipping a tin into a bucket I turned to the dark side. OK so I'm 2 days out but I have the day off so it seemed like a good idea to have an anniversary brewday. Also AG one wasn't until...
  13. keith1664

    Things I've learnt today

    Firstly, don't stop brewing 4 weeks before you go away for a 3 week holiday... my kegerator is now empty :( Secondly don't forget the campden tablets (just had to chuck 2 batches of TCP flavoured ale) Thirdly don't rely on your water authorities report for calculating CRS additions, I've...
  14. keith1664

    Weisse dispensing advice needed

    I'm having some issues dispensing my first Weisse from my kegerator, basically in accordance with the "guidelines" I've carbonated it quite high (30 psi at 12 degrees), as expected it was rather foamy. So I've switched my usual 5ft of 3/16 beer line for a 12ft length, now it pours a bit slower...
  15. keith1664

    New type of temperature controller.

    I've just come across this while looking for an STC-1000 on ebay. It appears to either heat OR cool but the interesting bit is that it switches 30 amps so could replace a PID and SSR for controlling an element. ... 43a92d6b00
  16. keith1664

    Fermenting fridge temperature query

    I'm using my fermenting fridge for the first time today (just pitched into AG24, a hefe). I'm aware t6hat the fermentation will give off heat and my brew will therefore be warmer than the fridge, but by how much? If I'm trying to keep 20L of wort at 17 degrees what should my fridge be set at?
  17. keith1664

    Am I in hell?

    Barbie girl on the disco and carling or worthingtons creamflow at the bar, dontcha just love family parties!
  18. keith1664

    My fridges bypass operation.

    I've been looking for a fridge to use for fermenting in for a while now, but I've had no luck.... until yesterday when I was contacted by the owner of one I'd bid for on ebay. The winner had refused to pay for it, did I want it! Well Yeah! :D I collected it last night and cancelled todays brew...
  19. keith1664

    Classic Comedy Clips

    My brother in law posted a link to this earlier on a popular networking site, it got me thinking that after all the music and film threads a comedy thread was well overdue. So post your classic comedy links here. To start things off. ... ture=share
  20. keith1664

    Corny disconnect seal

    Does anyone know if you can get bit's for corny keg disconnects, only I've lost a seal from one of my black connectors and it's p***ing beer all over the kegerator!