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    Metal bits in Robo Brew? Help!

    Just starting a brew in my Brewzilla Robo Brew and noticed these tiny metal hoops in the bottom of the kettle. This is the second time I've found these. Last time I noticed some after filling the kettle to heat the mash water. I removed those with a sieve and thought they might have come from...

    Equipment For Sale 500ml beer bottles for sale

    Clearing out some of my empty bottles as I'm not brewing large quantities anymore Approx 200 brown, 500ml beer bottles suitable for crown caps. All washed and with labels removed 10 pence a bottle - as many or as few as you want Collection from Weston-super-Mare Message me if interested.

    Keg tap options - help needed

    After many years of bottling my brews, I'd like to try kegging. I have an old fridge in the garage which could fit two kegs... Or will it? I started looking at 10ltr kegs but have quickly up-sold myself to 19ltr kegs which seem better value and mean I can store a lot more of each brew...

    Alright to bottle a sulphury lager?

    I'm brewing my first AG lager - Greg Hughes' Munich Dunkel. I've loosely followed the Brulosophy fast lager method using Saflager W34-70 with the following FV schedule: First 6 days at 12c 2 days at 14c 2 days at 16c 2 days at 18c First sample taken today shows it's dropped to 1010 and all is...

    Stringy Starsan

    I've been using Starsan for a couple of years now (still working my way through the first bottle) but the latest batch I've made, using a 5ltr bottle of Tesco Ashbeck water as always, has gone a bit weird... It's a little bit cloudy, but more worryingly it has long, white, stringy bits floating...

    Pesky milk stout foxing my hydrometer

    I brewed up a Greg Hughes AG Milk Stout recipe a couple of weeks ago adding 300g of lactose and 150g of cocoa powder on top of the grain bill from the recipe. This was a BIAB with a concentrated wort to which I added extra DME after the boil so I could make a full 23ltr brew adding extra water...

    Coopers stout with prune juice???

    Having tried a bottle of Titanic Plum Porter this weekend (highly recommended), I was thinking of brewing something similar. I've read a few threads where people have suggested prune juice instead of plums. I'm not sure the taste would be quite the same but it could prove an interesting addition...

    Never had this happen before...

    Brewed up a Coopers Canadian Blonde kit last night and never had such a foamy wort. I rinse my FVs with Starsan which I think creates a bit of foam and pour the cold water in from a height and give it a good stir to make sure it's properly aerated, but not ever seen such thick foam. It...

    Infection! Help me find the cause

    Hi all, I'm on my 18th brew (kits with additions) and disaster has struck - not once but twice! I'm dreading a third occurrence, so trying to work out what could be the source of the infection. It all started with a plum and liquorice Wherry (an attempt to clone Badger Ales Poachers Choice)...
  10. H0PM0NSTER

    Another stuck Wherry - what can I do??

    Hi all, Bought a Woodefords Wherry kit while it's on offer at Wilkos but I seem to have fallen victim to the stuck fermentation problem that so many others have posted about. I started the brew last Sunday (21 September) - brewed short to 21ltrs with a 40gms goldings hop tea and 250g light...