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  1. B

    Stainless Tubing Coils

    Thanks for that MacKiwi :) I had seen Barneey's Post and seen that the postage on 3m from BES is quite reasonable but still adds up to around £40. The standard maximum straight length from most stockholders is 6m and postage for this is around £25. A coil is going to be easier and cheaper...
  2. B

    Stainless Tubing Coils

    Thanks for the replies. :) Really just looking for a tubing supplier rather than the finished article. I will send Mark an e-mail, but It would be rude of me to ask him to divulge the source of his materials. Now that I have seen you can get a 25ft coiled length of 3/8" Stainless from NY Brew...
  3. B

    Stainless Tubing Coils

    Hi folks, I am gathering bits-n-pieces for my Herms build, which I hope to post on here as I progress. I have been looking for a coil of 10mm or similar Stainless Tubing for my Herms Coil to fit in a 6L Thermopot. I can get a straight length up to 6m which would be fine but postage is...
  4. B


    Thanks for the welcome folks. :cheers: Cheers Neil
  5. B


    Recently joined up to exchange ideas and share the progress of my Herms Brewery Build. Looking forward to posting pictures and hopefully contributing to the excellent knowledge base that The Home Brew Forum provides. :cheers: Cheers Neil